New initiatives promote stronger publications and increased external funding at the Department of Management
The Department of Management has launched a number of initiatives to ensure more articles in top journals and increased external funding.
An internal review board, increased research support, bonus schemes and a seed funding programme are some of the new tools that the Department of Management (MGMT) hopes will boost the quality of the department's publishing and increase the attraction of external research funding.
“We’re already seeing the first positive results. The total production of articles is stagnating, while the amount of publications in the best journals is increasing,” says Jacob Eskildsen, department head at MGMT.
“Whereas a researcher would previously have written perhaps five articles per year for less recognised journals, we are now encouraging everyone to raise their ambitions and instead focus on fewer articles targeted towards the top journals,” says Jacob Eskildsen.
If an article is successfully published in a journal registered on the Financial Times Research Ranking List and on the MGMT Journal List, it will trigger a bonus of DKK 50,000 to the author’s research account. “We want to recognise the researchers who have the guts to focus on getting their articles published in the best journals. In this way, we signal that we prioritise quality over quantity.”
See the list of bonus recipients below.
Increased external funding
The level of external funding at MGMT has been too low in recent years. For this reason, new and more ambitious goals have been set and several initiatives have been launched to support and inspire the researchers’ activities.
Through the MGMT RESEARCH ACCELERATOR PROGRAMME, 15 researchers have already applied for and received seed funding to develop their research ideas and be able to apply for larger external grants.
Professor Michael Dahl has been appointed deputy head of department with the responsibility for external funding; also, department-based research support and the collaboration with the Research Support Unit have seen an increase. An internal review board is to strengthen research ideas and applications, and another research bonus of DKK 50,000 awaits the researchers who obtain external funding of at least DKK 2 million or external funding for a two-year postdoc position. The researcher can spend these funds on e.g. workload reduction, financing travel/networking activities, research assistants, etc. See a list of the recent Fundraising Bonus recipients below.
Publication Bonus
Professor John Thøgersen, Will the consistent organic food consumer step forward? An empirical analysis, Journal of Consumer Research.
Professor John Thøgersen, The importance of consumer trust for the emergence of a market for green products: The case of organic food, Journal of Business Ethics.
Associate Professor Pernille Smith and Emeritus Professor Jørgen Flohr Nielsen, In search of identity leadership: Emergent influence in an interorganizational R&D team. Accepted by Organization Studies.
Associate Professor Mikael Søndergaard: Traversing cultural boundaries in IB: The complex relationships between explicit country and implicit cultural group boundaries at multiple levels, Journal of International Business Studies.
Professor Andre Carugati: Transfiguration work and the system of transfiguration: How employees represent and misrepresent their work". Accepted by MIS Quarterly.
Bonus for attracting external research funding
Associate Professor Irene Pollach:
A grant of DKK 2,515,026 from the Danish Council for Independent Research - Social Sciences (Det Frie Forskningsråd - Samfund og Erhverv) for the research project entitled 'Discursive Power over Financial News'.
Associate Professors Alice Grønhøj and Jessica Aschemann-Witzel:
Have received a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) research grant of DKK 4.3 million from the Horizon 2020 EU programme.
Professor Klaus Grunert and Associate Professor Polymeros Chrysochou:
Have received a DKK 2,8 m grant from H2020 Pilots EU programme to conduct consumer-related research within the frames of Nanopack project (
For more information, please contact:
Head of Department Jacob Eskildsen
Professor Michael Dahl
Administrative Manager Pernille Kallehave