We have a new homepage
The flat structure makes it possible to reach the information you are looking for in a click or two.
During the last six months, many of our guidelines have been updated, restructured or replaced. Now, it’s the homepage’s turn.
The flat structure behind the new design makes it possible to reach the information you are looking for in one or two clicks.
The content is divided into three groups:
Pure Support
- Content related to the system-technical aspects of Pure
Pure Administration
- Information about the administrative processes i Pure
User guides
- how to register different types of content in Pure and special circumstance related to that.
In addition, you will find a middle section with news and events. A collection of light-grey sections contain links to areas that are closely linked to registration in Pure, including Open Access, BFI and ORCID.
If you have bookmarked specific pages at one point, it could happen that these links no longer work. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, or have questions regarding Pure, please write us at pure@au.dk.