Aarhus University has received the Ombudsman’s report regarding the university’s handling of the staff case against Linda Maria Koldau; Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen comments on the report on the university website.
The main academic areas and the four interdisciplinary ties are currently working to pool their contributions for Aarhus University’s new main strategy which will replace the 2008-2012 strategy.
Therefore, in the near future, decentralised consultations about the strategy will be conducted, for example in the academic councils, departmental fora, student organisations etc.
The consultation papers will subsequently be used by the newly established editorial committee, which is working to prepare a final draft strategy. The committee is made up of the Vice-deans Berit Eika, Ole Steen Nielsen, Anne Marie Pahuus, Peder Østergaard, Jes Madsen, Kurt Nielsen and Pro-rector Søren E. Frandsen (chair).
No deadline has yet been set for the consultations.
Based on feedback from participants at the MatchPoints seminar 2012 and previous seminars in the MatchPoints series, it looks as though Aarhus University has created a popular conference institution which is making a name for itself by having extremely highly qualified keynote speakers within the seminars’ respective focus fields.
In the recently held seminar on memories from wars, conflicts and crises, the Australian professor and international expert in public history Dr Alistair Thomson was the keynote speaker; the conference also featured seven other high-profile international speakers. This year, Alistair Thomson is distinguished visiting professor at Aarhus University, and during his year here will, among other things, give a master class for PhD students at the university and be keynote speaker at a conference later in the year.
Alistair Thomson will be succeeded by the Harvard sociologist Robert D. Putnam, who has made a name for himself internationally with his theory on social capital. Robert D. Putnam will be joining Aarhus University as distinguished visiting professor for 2013-2015, and will already be keynote speaker at the MatchPoints seminar in May 2013.
As part of the annual MatchPoints seminar, one event is also intended for the general public. The event again proved popular this year with a 200-250-strong audience.
Kind regards
The Senior Management Team
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