Last week, Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen signed a new memorandum of understanding with the University of Manitoba in Canada and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources in Nuuk on research in the Arctic.
It is happening in connection with the establishment of the Arctic Research Centre (ARC), an interdisciplinary research centre at Aarhus University.
The new ‘Arctic Science Partnership’ is designed to create productive synergies between climate-related research and education in Denmark, Greenland and Canada.
Last week, the Rector and Pro-Rector wrote articles on new visions for the universities’ study programmes and their potential for innovation in the two Danish newspapers Politiken and Jyllands-Posten.
Universities the backbone of the innovation strategy
In the autumn, the Danish Government is presenting Denmark’s first innovation strategy, and here the universities and their capacity for innovation should play a key role. This is the message of Pro-Rector Søren E. Frandsen in a feature article that was published on Thursday 5 July in Jyllands-Posten. According to Søren E. Frandsen, Danish universities can drive the collaboration on innovation between universities, students, investors, industry and the public sector.
Way-in to university
In an article in Politiken on Tuesday 3 July, Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen focused on the growing number of study programmes and the challenge this diversity poses for new students who will be applying for places at the university this week. He argues, among other things, that Danish universities should create fewer but bigger ‘entrance gates’ to the study programmes, and thereby make it easier for students to choose a line of study and subsequently develop their knowledge tracks and professional competencies as they go along.
Summer guest
Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen also participated in DR’s P1 programme ‘Sommergæsten’ on Monday 9 July from 10.03.
The general timing for this autumn’s pay negotiations is now in place. It provides the framework for the local process which is organised by the respective managers and union representatives.
September 1-24: Preparation of the local process between managers and union reps, including the recommendation and application period.
September 24: Negotiation period starts.
November 9: ALL negotiations are concluded to ensure that pay increases are paid out in 2012.
Before the pay negotiations start, the local managements will inform all employees within the area about the process, for example deadlines for pay negotiations etc.
We, the senior management team, would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a good summer and a well-earned break.
The spring semester has seen both constructive and critical debate about Aarhus University. This has made an impression on the management and is important input in the continuing work to develop the university.
Other notable points in the spring include the establishment of new academic councils and department councils, the merger with the Engineering College of Aarhus, the establishment of interdisciplinary research centres and signing new by-laws for Aarhus University. The Presidency of the Council of the EU has also been celebrated at AU, among other things with the two large conferences Excellence Revisited and the recently held Industrial Technologies 2012 conference. Both conferences attracted many noteworthy researchers, politicians and businesspeople from the entire EU, and translated into declarations with the purpose of strengthening research excellence and the partnership between the research community and industry in the EU’s forthcoming framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020.
Finally, AU has just signed a new development contract for the 2012-2014 period with the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. The new development contract focuses on the study programmes. A debate is already taking place on how we can enhance quality, teaching time and employment while simultaneously reducing the length of time it takes for students to complete their studies. Today, students at AU proceed relatively quickly through their studies and enjoy a high level of employment after graduating. AU has increased the number of teaching hours in relation to the extra FTE funding which was allocated last year for the Arts and Social Sciences, but AU must nevertheless strengthen its focus on the programmes so we can live up to the ambitious goals we have set ourselves in the development contract.
There is no doubt that education will feature in the coming university debate. As well, of course, the possibilities open to the new students, who this week have applied for places at the universities. We expect to increase admissions again this year, and we look forward to welcoming all the new students.
Have a very good summer.
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