The corona situation has had an enormous impact on work and student life at the university.
In this edition of News from the Senior Management Team, we focus on matters related to the extraordinary situation, and we urge everyone to keep up to date on the AU corona website for staff. Among other things, the site has information on terms of employment during the physical shutdown, useful advice on working from home, reorganisation of teaching, IT tools and data security.
The AU corona website is updated regularly with new information about general cross-organisational issues in line with new decisions and measures, and as we find solutions to challenges. Emails will also be sent to you directly when necessary. Furthermore, we advise everyone to contact their immediate supervisor if they are unsure about anything whatsoever.
Follow developments on the AU corona website - in English.
In a video greeting, Rector Brian Bech Nielsen sends a big thank-you to students and staff for their impressive efforts to keep the university running in a new and difficult situation.
He urges everyone to remember that: "We're running a marathon, and we must all reach the finish line before we hit the wall".
“I’d like to say to all administrative employees that I’m deeply impressed by the flexibility and resilience you have demonstrated in this unprecedented situation. I’d like to thank everyone at the administrative centres and the administrative divisions from the bottom of my heart.” This is how University Director Arnold Boon starts his message to all staff in the administration.
As a direct consequence of the spread of coronavirus and the acute health crisis in Denmark and the rest of the world, the Carlsberg Foundation has made two grants of DKK 25 million (EUR 3.3 million) each for AU researchers to generate new knowledge.
One grant goes to Michael Bang Petersen, professor of political science, for his ‘HOPE-How Democracies Cope with COVID19: A Data-Driven Approach’ project, in which, with an inter-university research team, he will explore how society acts during crises and how democracies deal with an epidemic such as the one we are currently facing.
Professor Jørgen Kjems is heading the second project being conducted by a research group consisting of leading Danish researchers within proteins, vaccines, and diagnostics from the University of Copenhagen, Statens Serum Institut (SSI) and Aarhus University. The aim is to develop methods for improved diagnostics, treatment and prevention.
Both grants are part of a total DKK 95 million (EUR 12.5 million) donation from the Carlsberg Foundation towards coronavirus research.
Others are also offering extraordinary support for corona research.
With extraordinary funding of DKK 50 million (EUR 6.6 million), the Danish government will make rapid support available for research to promote diagnosis or treatment of patients with coronavirus/COVID-19, for example.
The Poul Due Jensen Foundation has said on its website that it is increasing grants, and that coronavirus will change the focus of grants.
Many foundations have postponed their application deadlines as a result of the corona situation. This applies to applications for EU funding as well as applications to private and public foundations, including the Aarhus University Research Foundation.
Aarhus University has cancelled the MatchPoints Seminar, which was to be held on 23-25 April. Due to restrictions on travel and gathering in groups, as well as an increasing number of cancellations, planning of the seminar can unfortunately not continue. Aarhus University would like to apologise for the inconvenience to speakers, participants and suppliers. The university is considering whether holding a smaller version of the seminar in the autumn will be feasible. The corona situation also means that another major spring event has been cancelled; the Festival of Research.
Aarhus University has asked Johnny Laursen to continue as dean for an additional three years. In an article, he briefly assesses the past years and the challenges ahead for Arts.