The Teaching Prize 2023

Professor Steffen Petersen, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Aarhus University

Professor Steffen Petersen from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering receives the Anniversary Foundation Teaching Prize 2023 for his excellent efforts to teaching students about construction, energy and indoor climate. He has dedicated his research to identifying how we can reduce the construction industry’s wear and tear on the Earth's ecosystems and create a healthier indoor climate. His list of publications is long, and Steffen Petersen’s research is frequently cited. He does not shy away from joining public debate and has a passion for sharing his knowledge with students.

Steffen Petersen has also headed the development of new Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in civil, structural and architectural engineering at Aarhus University, and his teaching is based on his ambition to create change in the construction sector. Not only does Steffen provide his students with a strong theoretical basis on which they can base their future work as building engineers, he also teaches them to think critically, consider things from different perspectives and question existing practices. 

Steffen is known as an enthusiastic and humorous teacher who can facilitate both theoretical and application-oriented teaching and collaboration. This affects his students’ motivation and engagement, and is reflected in student projects of extraordinarily high quality each semester.

Read the article: Lecturer of the Year: I introduce my students to a broader agenda