AU to evaluate research quality in 2024-2025

In 2024-2025, AU evaluates the quality of the research conducted at all departments and schools.

  • The purpose of the evaluation is to promote research quality and uncover potentials for new excellent research.
  • The evaluation process will be decentral and will focus on collective learning and development in the university’s research programmes.

As a researcher, you will probably be involved.  The process, combines a self-evaluation at all departments with a visit from an international external panel. The primary focus will be on the faculties and departments/schools, not the individual researcher.

The faculties will decide what and how to evaluate

The faculties are responsible for developing their own framework for evaluation, including a timeline and template for departmental/school evaluations and the data chosen for evaluation. This reflects the different traditions for evaluating research quality across the university.

AU expects that all departments/schools will complete their evaluations by the summer of 2025.
In the autumn, faculty reports and an AU summary will be prepared based on the department/school reports.

Faculty reports and AU summary

Department/school reports and panel evaluations 

Each faculty decides on the format for departmental/school evaluations and feedback from the international panels, which means that the scope of the evaluations may vary. A typical departmental/school self-evaluation will be around 20-25 pages in length.  

The departmental/school reports will be submitted to the dean of the faculty. The reports will also be available to the staff in each department/school.   

The departmental/ school reports will not submitted to AU’s senior management team or the AU Board. 

Faculty reports

Each faculty will prepare a report based on the departmental/school reports.  

The faculty reports will be 5-7 pages in length and will include: 

  • An executive summary 
  • Observations and tendencies – across the faculty 
  • Lessons learned – across the faculty 
  • Specific suggestions for development initiatives. 

The faculty reports will be published in Danish and English. The report must be made available to faculty staff. Each faculty will decide how to do so.  

The faculty reports will be submitted to AU’s Research Committee and senior management team.  

AU summary will be available to everyone

AU’s Research Committee will prepare a report of 5-7 pages based on the five faculty reports. 

The summary will be sent to the AU Board and the senior management team.