The Election Committee

The committee is responsible for assisting the rector in the organisation and holding of elections to be held under the Danish University Act and the Aarhus University by-laws. Following consultation with the committee, the chairman of the Election Committee is authorised by the rector to establish the rules and regulations on election procedures and the necessary deadlines.


  • One chairman is recommended from among the academic staff members on the committee and appointed by the rector.
  • One member of the academic staff and one substitute from each main academic area are recommended by the dean after consultation with the academic council and appointed by the rector.
  • One member of the technical/administrative staff and one substitute from each main academic area are recommended by the dean after consultation with the academic council and appointed by the rector.
  • Five student representatives and their substitutes are recommended by the three electoral alliances and/or independent lists which have received the highest number of votes in the elections to the Board.
  • The alliance/independent list which has received the highest number of votes in the elections to the Board recommends two representatives and two substitutes for the Election Committee.
  • The alliance/independent list which has received the second-highest number of votes recommends one representative and one substitute for the Election Committee.
  • The alliance/independent list which has received the third-highest number of votes recommends one representative and one substitute for the Election Committee.
  • If less than three alliances/independent lists run for the elections to the Board, the alliance/independent list which has received the highest number of votes in the elections to the Board recommends three representatives and three substitutes for the Election Committee.
  • The alliance/independent list which has received the second-highest number of votes recommends one representative and one substitute for the Election Committee.
  • The four students represent the alliance/independent list which has recommended them for the Election Committee. The rector approves the recommendation.
  • In special cases, the Election Committee may appoint observers.

Election Committee members 1 February 2024

Scientific members:

  • Arts: Associate Professor Peter Bugge
  • Health: Professor Anders Bonde Jensen
  • Business and Social Sciences: Associate Professor Ole Terkelsen (chair)
  • Natural Sciences: Associate Professor Olav W. Bertelsen
  • Technical Sciences: Associate Professor Thomas Lykke-Møller Sørensen

Technical/administrative members:

  • Arts: Study Coordinator Brit Knudsen
  • Health: Advisor Henry Andreasen
  • Business and Social Sciences: Head of Secretariat Kirsten Jakobsen
  • Natural Sciences: Labmanager Alen Trgovcevic
  • Technical Sciences: Head of Secretariat Birgit S. Langvad


  • Frederikke Bruntt
  • Anders Mengers Andersen
  • Thea Bonnemann
  • Daniel Semadeni
  • Max Manøe Bjerregaard


Scientific members:

  • Arts: None
  • Health: None
  • Business and Social Sciences: Professor Michael Hansen Jensen
  • Natural Sciences: Associate Professor Simon Kristensen
  • Technical Sciences: Professor Jan Værum Nørgaard

Technical/administrative members:

  • Arts: None
  • Health: None
  • Business and Social Sciences: Head of Secretariat Mikkel Nørgaard
  • Natural Sciences: None
  • Technical Sciences: Secretary Louise Fischer Koue


  • Jes Enoch Steinmüller
  • Ditte Stolze
  • Marie Heuchendorff Hansen
  • None
  • Emil Karlebjerg