Rules for displaying and distributing materials in the election period

The following rules are intended to ensure that all list pacts have equal opportunities to display and distribute campaign material during the election period.

  1. The election period starts two weeks before the first day of the election and extends until the week after the election. 
  2. Posters should be hung either with tape or Blue Tack in order to protect walls and windows. Posters may be hung on the following surfaces:
    a) Public memo boards.
    b) Doors - but not at eye level. Posters may not be hung on front doors and glass surfaces around main entrances.
    c) Windows in public spaces.
    d) Posters on public roads follow the municipal rules.
  3. Flyers may be distributed anywhere at AU. However, see item 4 below.
  4. Cafeterias set their own rules for display and distribution of campaign material. They are encouraged to follow the same guidelines as the rest of AU. Any distribution of food and drink in connection with elections must always be coordinated with the cafeteria in question.
  5. All the rules applicable to different areas will be posted at two months before the election at the latest.
  6. List  pacts are responsible for taking down their own posters, including tape and Blue Tack. Election material must be removed completely. This must be done the week after the election.

Student organisations must contact the directors of the three local building administration offices well before the coming election in order to agree on the practical arrangements for the election, out of consideration for coordination with the three local business administration offices and differences between AU's buildings. Student organisations must also submit a list of contact people to the directors of the building administration offices.

The directors of the building administration offices are as follows:

  • Arts: Eva Serup
  • Business and Social Science: Peter Bachmann Vestergaard
  • Health: Conor Leerhøj
  • Nat-Tech: Bent Lorentzen