Sales invoices and Payments - Receivables

Customer creation or changes

The DDI function in Navision must be used to create a new debtor (customer) - this guide will tell you more about new customers(not translated).

You can find the DDI quickguide here: 
DDI Quickguide – English.vsdx

For changes to an existing debtor (customer) please send an e-mail via Note "Changes to debtor no. XXXX (the xxxx is the number of the debtor) in the subjectline.

Create a sales invoice

Reminders - outstanding payments

If a payment is overdue, we will remind your customer about the outstanding payment.

For questions about reminders send an e-mail to or find contact information for a specific employee to the right. will receive a reply within 48 hours.



Payments in cash can be made at our reception at Trøjborgvej 82-84, building 1918, 8000 Aarhus C

Bank details (Not translated)

If you need a bank receipt for your deposit send an e-mail to:

Expected payments or reimbursements

…which hasn’t been invoiced, please send an e-mail about the expected amount to:

Remember to list the name of the reimitter, amount, posting informations (type, project and activity*) and a text for the deposit in the subject line.

* Contact your business controller / project finance administrator for the posting informations.

  • Receiving and forwarding project funds

  • The sale of used AU equipment

    • When discarding used equipment AU must in general follow the guidelines in the “Budgetvejledningen” (budget instructions) set by the central government. The memo below describes the procedure for sale of used IT equipment to employees. However, the rules are general and therefore also applies in other areas when it comes to equipment sale to employees.

    • Concerning sale of used IT equipment to employees (Not translated)

  • Events permitted in the webshop

    • You can find information about permitted events on the webshop page (Not translated)

  • Invoice not received

    • You can call the main number at Aarhus University tel. 87 15 0000 or write an email to

  • Complaints (disagreements such as price, text, etc. on the invoice)

    • Call or send an e-mail to the contact indicated on the invoice.

  • An invoice regarding a continuing education:

    • Kontaktpersoner EVU:

      Karoline Engsig-Karup
      E-mail: - tel. 87 15 30 70
      Science & Technology
      Lotte Thiessen
      E-mail: - tel.: 87 15 28 21


      Aarhus BSS
      Karin Møller Nielsen: - tel. 87 15 23 74
      Bjørg Brink Dalgaard: - tel. 87 16 51 85
      Summer University for alle hovedområderne:
      Annika Haarbye Jensen: - tel. 87 15 37 16
      Tina Fredsø Mortensen: - tel. 87 15 36 17

  • Information on the sales invoice

    • Is the customer entitled to a PO number?

    • Contact at the customer

    • A clear and simple text on the invoice

    • Customer EAN number, if electronic invoicing is a possibility

  • Redemption of checks

    • In order to cash a check it must be issued to AU.

  • VAT (Not translated)

Mail to Accounts receivable

Address internal Mail to Accounts Receivable: "Regnskab-Debitorgruppen”