

NVivo has been designed to help organise and analyse non-numerical or unstructured data. Furthermore it grants the possibility to classify and sort information and through this investigate connections in the data. NVivo can therefore help testing theories and identify tendencies. NVivo contains a wide range of research methods and NVivo can handle data in all languages and support data formats, such as sound files, videos, digital images, word, PDF, spread sheets and regular text files.



AU IT offers employees to buy a license for 300 DKK.


Employees at Aarhus University have the opportunity to purchase a license for Nvivo. The price is 300 DKK, and can be paid by using the following link. Hereafter we will help you with installation and activation.


The license is purchased for one year, and will expire 30 August every year (no matter the date of purchase). If you still wish to use Nvivo after this date, you must purchase a new license.

If you contact us about licenses on analytics@au.dk it is important, that you include your full name and AU ID (which can be found via mit.au.dk)


The program is normally installed through SCCM, if possible. If this is not possible due to the computer’s origin the program is installed manually, which is done by the Servicedesk at your current location, which will contact you as soon as your license is ready and the program can be installed.

A 14 day trial version of the program can be downloaded from the following link and be activated later with an ordered license:


Analytics Group does not conduct courses for this program at the given time, but upon request a course can be arranged. This is done by contacting analytics@au.dk with the requested content for the course and requested duration, after which a course structure will be suggested that are consistent with the given requests.

Course material

Below the course material from current and previous courses is listed:

NVivo introduction

A thorough introduction to the qualitative analytics program NVivo. Learn the basic elements of the program: Importing data, free coding, structured coding, coding requests, etc.


Analytics Group:

Official guide:

Installations guide