Better organisation and more support = more external funding
Since 2011, ARTS has increased its external funding significantly. “Among other things, this has been through new organisation of research, and by appointing research consultants. In addition to more funding for the faculty, this has also resulted in more openness and better processes at the departments as well as many more young research talents,” explains Anne Marie Pahuus, vicedean at the faculty of ARTS.

Exchange of ideas
If we are to avoid having to let ARTS staff go because of decisions to set a lower student intake, we have to attract more external funding. Therefore, since 2011/12, ARTS has been working on a reorganisation of research in order to enhance external funding. Almost everyone is part of a theme-based research programme. This means more dialogue between researchers and more collaboration.
"You can try out your ideas in the research programme and get feedback.This is also important for young researchers who like working in teams," says Anne Marie Pahuus. She goes on to say that external funding is a parameter for new appointments. “The people we employ need to think about where they want to apply. And we have start-up packages for those who don't know the system so well. Last but not least, we also step up with a little co-funding."
Quality assurance
The competition for external funding is fierce, so ARTS works in different ways to ensure the quality of applications. There is an internal peer review in various formats at all departments, emeritus researchers help early career researchers, and there is support from both local research consultants and the Research Support Unit's own research advisers.
"We’ve widened our dialogue and information. We have expanded the range of foundations, but we want to attract even more EU funding, so we’ve involved researchers and collaboration partners who have ‘cracked it' with regard to the EU," says Anne Marie Pahuus.
She also explains that they do not have selection processes at ARTS for who should apply for what, and who can get help in the application process – only for Veluxfonden. However, people are told if they are not ready."There are deadlines if researchers are to get help. And this is a way of prioritising. I hear that people are delighted with the support they receive from research consultants and research advisers from the Research Support Office. It’s good to have someone on your side," says the vice-dean.
Gender balance
Both AU and the foundations have focus on a certain gender balance between applicants and in the research focus. This is a topic Anne Marie Pahuus is very attentive to. "We’ve received praise from the FKK for our work on gender balance, and gender balance is also a parameter in many foundations and in the EU. So gender balance is always top of mind, and I insist that we look beyond AU in recruitment, and that we advertise PhD research fellow positions. Otherwise, the old school tie effect kicks in, and that’s not always good for improving the gender balance. Among other things, our initiatives have resulted in a better gender balance in connection with external funding," concludes the vice-dean.
Contact the Research Support Office if you would like to discuss research strategy and organisation.