Over the next few days, 4,000 expats will receive an invitation to participate in Expat Study 2014, the most comprehensive and in-depth survey to date of expat experiences in Denmark.
The annual report from the Graduate School, Arts 2013 has now been published, and can be found at the website.
Nina Gram, PhD from the Department of Aesthetics and Communication, receives the AU Research Foundation PhD. Award 2014.
The expert group has just presented its analysis, identifying the main problems and challenges facing the university following the academic development process in 2011.
Johnny Laursen’s three-year appointment as head of the Graduate School, Arts expires at the end of June 2014. In future the school will be led by Anne Marie Pahuus, the vice-dean for research and talent.
Dean Mette Thunø has extended the three-year contracts with the current vice-deans, heads of department and centre director.
What does digitalisation mean for the humanities? What are the challenges? And how can digitalisation help to put new knowledge to good use? A new network of researchers at the Faculty of Arts has been set up to find the answers, and has just produced a strategy in support of the faculty’s objective: increasing the focus on the potential of digitalisation.
“vpn.au.dk” will be closing down permanently on 15 May.
In early May dean Mette Thunø and joint union representative Per Dahl entered into a joint agreement regarding working hours for all members of staff at the Faculty of Arts.
After the summer holiday most of the first-year Master’s students at the Faculty of Arts will start using Blackboard, which is our new learning management system. So the first courses in how to use Blackboard will be offered to teachers and administrative staff in June and August this year.
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