Three-year extension for faculty management team

Dean Mette Thunø has extended the three-year contracts with the current vice-deans, heads of department and centre director.

Contracts have been extended by three years until the spring/summer of 2017 for vice-deans Marianne Ping Huang, Jan Ifversen and Anne Marie Pahuus; heads of department Hanne Løngreen, Niels Lehmann and Bjarke Paarup; and centre director Arne Kjær.

New head of the Graduate School, Arts

A new head of the Graduate School, Arts has been appointed to take over from Johnny Laursen, whose three-year contract expires on 30 June 2014. In future the school will be led by Anne Marie Pahuus, the vice-dean for research and talent.

See New head of the Graduate School, Arts