Master's reform

Here on this page, you will find all updated documents regarding the degree programme resizing and the implementation of the Master's degree reform at Arts. In working with the Master's degree reform, we will involve the entire faculty, and this will take place in three phases.

In each phase, the relevant documents will be made available, and there will be a series of questions for which input is requested. These questions are also part of the template we will ask you to use for your written input.

The faculty management team is looking forward to receiving input, so we can find the best possible solutions for the implementation of the Master's Degree reform together.

Phase 1 | 18 September 2024 | Deadline for input 23 October 2024

Announcement at Arts about the holistic plan for BA and KA

The schedule between the phases is tight, and it will make the collection of contributions much easier if you can use the template for feedback - download template
See the plan for involvement for a full overview of the process of involvement and the questions regarding each phase.

The faculty management team has encountered a challenge we didn't foresee in time. Several employees have expressed a desire for us to publish all the input we receive in fase 1 for the holistic plan. We are, in fact, open to doing this, but on the other hand, there are other employees who do not want their input to be made public. Therefore, in consultation with the faculty's union representatives (TR), we have found a solution that hopefully addresses this challenge as effectively as possible.

Each individual or groups who provide input must indicate whether they will allow us to share their input with the union representatives (TR). If they do not wish to share, their input will not be shared with the TR. Once the deadline for submissions has passed, the faculty management team will prepare a summary of all the input. At the same time, we will give the union representatives access to read all the input we are allowed to share with them in full – and together, we will agree on how the summary should be formulated to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible.

In phase 2, all input will be published for everybody to read. If employees at that point have input they do not want to be made public, they can, as always, talk with their leader or a TR, and they will bring the input forward to be included in the proces.

The deadline for input is 23 October 2024

Input should be sent to 

Phase 1b - National coordination | 7 November 2024 | Hearing through liaision bodies - deadline 15 November

On November 7, the faculty management releases the Arts-part of the proposal from the five deans of Humanities faculties in Denmark (AU, AAU, RUC, SDU, KU) for a national plan for the educational landscape in 2028 – i.e., 75 ECTS and EKA programmes. In the following week (November 11-15), extraordinary meetings will be held in the liasion/collegial bodies where members will have the opportunity to comment on the national plan.

The timeline is tight, as feedback on the national plans must be submitted to Universities Denmark by November 22.

Hearing, Arts' contribution to the national landscape of degree programmes

Reflections and decisions

Phase 2 | 7 November 2024 | Deadline for input 20 December 2024

Involvement in phase 2


  • Decision about the resizing of bachelor degree programmes can be found under Decisions on this page
  • Draft for Arts' part of the national coodination of the educational landscape, see under Phase 1b on this page
  • Description of the proces for deciding upon an education structure, see under Phase 2b on this page
  • The candidate committee's report (not available in English)

Deadline for input was 20 December 2024


In phase 2 it was announced that all contributions would be published. The faculty management group received 37 contributions which are available for download here.  (mix of Danish and English).

Phase 2b - Educational structure | 7 November 2024 | Deadline 3 March 2025

The development of the new educational structure has a phase of its own.

Involvement through liasion comittees.

The draft suggestion for a new structure for the educational programmes is now forwarded to all study boards and education boards and will be discussed at the next meetings. 

If you wish to contribute to this phase, please contact your local study board og education board.

After the March 3 deadline the contributions from the liasion comittees will be included in a final proposal to be approved in the faculty management team.

Phase 3 | 3 February 2025 | Deadline for input 20 February 2025

Hearing of intended decision

  • Holistic plan 4.0 (intended decision)
  • Appendix 1 - Overview of the portfolio of degree programmes (intended decision)
  • Appendix 2 - Reactions to input in phase 2
  • Appendix 3 - Implementation plan (draft, for information)

Hearing parties: 

  • Akademisk Råd
  • Studienævn
  • Institutforum
  • Lokale samarbejdsudvalg

Deadline for input February 20, 2025.

Input should be sent to 

Phase 3b | Terms of Reference for individual programmes | Spring2025

Once decisions about degree structures have been made, draft terms of reference for the development of major changes of degree programmes and new degree programmes will be proposed.

More about phase 3b in early 2025.