Master's reform

Here on this page, you will find all updated documents regarding the degree programme resizing and the implementation of the Master's degree reform at Arts. In working with the Master's degree reform, we will involve the entire faculty, and this will take place in three phases.

In each phase, the relevant documents will be made available, and there will be a series of questions for which input is requested. These questions are also part of the template we will ask you to use for your written input.

The faculty management team is looking forward to receiving input, so we can find the best possible solutions for the implementation of the Master's Degree reform together.

Phase 1 - 18 September 2024 - Deadline for input 23 October 2024

Announcement at Arts about the holistic plan for BA and KA

The schedule between the phases is tight, and it will make the collection of contributions much easier if you can use the template for feedback - download tempplate
See the plan for involvement for a full overview of the process of involvement and the questions regarding each phase

The deadline for input is 23 October 2024

Input should be sent to 

Phase 2 - 7 November 2024 - Deadline for input 20 December 2024

Announcement from the faculty management.

Decision on location of sector dimensioning 2025

  • Principles for comprehensive plan (adjusted according to phase 1)

Involvement in phase 2

  • Description of education structure (unfolded after phase 1)
  • Draft phase-in plan
  • The candidate committee's report.

The schedule between the phases is tight, and it will make the collection much easier if you want to use the template in your feedback [follows after phase 1]. Also, see the overall overview of topics that you are asked to deal with - see involvement plan. Topics for phase 2 appear in the template.

Deadline for input 20 December 2024.

Input should be sent to 

Phase 3 - 3 February 2025 - Deadline for input 20 February 2025

Announcement of intended decision

Comprehensive plan - general framework (intended)

  • Description of educational structure (intended)
  • Phase-in plan (intended)

The timetable between the phases is tight, and it will make the collection much easier if you want to use the template in your feedback [FOLLOWS AFTER PHASE 1] Also see the overall overview of topics that you are asked to deal with - see involvement plan. Topics for phase 3 appear in the template.

Deadline for input February 20, 2025.

Input should be sent to 

Final decision | 1 March 2025

1. Holistic plan – Overall framework

2. Description of overall programme structure (decided)

3. Plan for phase in (decided)