Charlotte Branth Claussen

From joke to reality

When I was a student, I often said that I wanted to write user manuals - half as a joke. Because there couldn't possibly be anyone who could make money from it! I mean... how many times have you seen an instruction manual that can actually be used for something?

It has since turned out that there are actually companies that pay for reasonable quality, and today I work in software development. I am a consultant specializing in user interface texts and guides as well as the strategic work associated with this. I will give an introduction to content design and content strategy - and I will talk about how I use my academic expertise on a daily basis, while also navigating technology, company policy and the bottom line.

I can adapt the presentation according to what the students are most interested in and need.


The students get

Knowledge on:

  • The way into the popular tech world - or use some of my tips to get a job in another industry
  • What it means to produce user interface text and help files for software
  • Some of the mistakes I made when I entered the industry as a green humanist (like thinking the good argument wins!)
  • How to describe your skills to people with other backgrounds
  • International work and what it means to move abroad