The Data Management Coordination Group

The Open Science (OS)-Forum wishes to strengthen collaboration between the faculty- and institutionally-anchored data management activities launched to ensure that AU researchers can fulfil national and international demands/expectations related to good data management practice.

The following strategic goals, which have been ratified by Aarhus University leadership, address researchers’ practice in relation to data and ensuring that AU provides the necessary assistance.

All researchers at AU:

  1. Consider the FAIR principles for data as well as for other research outputs such as codes and methods
  2. Integrate data management into research processes, ensuring the transparency and integrity of research results
  3. Contribute to good practice and clear standards for managing data and metadata throughout the entire research lifecycle, including data collection, curation and storage both during and after completion of projects, including choice of licenses and use of persistent identifiers 

Aarhus University supports these goals by ensuring that:

  • A. The necessary technical infrastructure is available
  • B. The necessary expertise is available, and courses and continuing education programmes are offered at relevant levels (including PhD)
  • C. Work to share data and other relevant outputs is recognised as research-relevant activities
  • D. Criteria are defined for the value of data in relation to reusability and long-term storage, and a strategy is formulated for the long-term preservation of data which has not been submitted to the Danish National Archives in its entirety

AU will make a basic knowledge and technical infrastructure available in relation to A and B. Advanced use is to be financed through projects.


Kaare Aagaard

Open Science Coordinator

Members of the Coordination group