AU Green Guide: Transport

As you probably already know, transport  is one of the areas in which we can  do a lot for the climate. Transport for business purposes includes our daily commute to and from university, and our travel to and from meetings and conferences in Denmark and abroad. Here are some ideas for those of you who want to "greenify" your travel habits.

Calculate the carbon footprint of your business trip

Learn to calculate the carbon footprint of your business trip here.


Flying consumes large amounts of energy, which converts to CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and air travel is a significant contributor to global climate change. It's a good idea to consider the following before you book a business flight:

  • Is your trip absolutely necessary? Could you replace it with a virtual meeting or plan a meeting venue closer to home?
  • Alternative means of transport: Is there an alternative to flying? For example, choosing the train, bus/coach or carpooling?
  • Combine several purposes in one trip: If you are going to fly, you might consider whether you could pool more activities into the same trip rather than flying on several occasions.
  • Consider combining forms of transport, e.g. taking the plane to Frankfurt and then the train to Milan. 

If you cannot avoid travelling by air, you can look into which airline or flight, etc. is the most climate-friendly alternative:

  • On Atmosfair's website, you can find out which companies have the most modern and fuel-efficient aircraft, i.e. impact the climate the least.
  • Each stopover costs CO2. You can help the environment by finding a direct route or taking the train for some of the journey to avoid stopovers.

Did you know that ...

the most climate-friendly way to get from east Denmark to west Denmark is by express train or by bus via the Great Belt Bridge? The most climate-unfriendly way is by airplane, or driving by car alone and taking the high-speed car ferry. (Source: Henrik Gudmundsson, seniorkonsulent i Concito.)

CO2 emissions in grams per person per kilometre. When driving by car, the CO2 emissions must be divided by the number of people in the car.

Diesel train = 48 grams

Electric train = 7 grams

Petrol car =141 grams

Air travel  = 109 grams

Bus = 80 grams

High-speed car ferry = 1.700 grams

Did you know that ...

In a revised travel policy, employees are encouraged to travel more climate-friendly. Read more about travel policy.

Did you know that ...

AU aims to reduce the climate footprint from air travel by 30% in 2025 relative to 2018.

Public transport


Public transport is a green alternative to the car. Less CO2 is emitted when we travel many people together on the same train or bus rather than each of driving alone by car.

Did you know that ...

Deutsche Bahn's website and provide a good overview of all train services in Europe?



A good way to save CO2 is to reduce the number of people driving alone by car. If you are going the same way, for example to and from a course or a conference, you can help the climate by organising a carpool with your colleagues. It's also a good idea to organise a carpool to and from work.

Did you know that ...

with AU's Carpooling Club in the Ta'Med app, it is easy to arrange a lift with others to and from Aarhus University. Read more and download the app here.

Did you know that ...

an average fossil fuel car emits 147 grams of CO2 per kilometre? In comparison, streaming Netflix for one hour emits 163 grams of CO2

AU facts

If you have a shared car or a loaner car at your disposal, you can get a parking permit for the car on the day you use the car.

The bicycle as a means of transport

Obviously, the bicycle is a climate-friendly transport alternative. So, if you can choose the bike, then you'll be choosing the greenest mode of transport.

Jeg cykler fordi ... Der kan være mange forskellige grunde til at cykle – frisk luft, mentalt overskud, økonomi, logistik, tid mv. Hør 12 ansatte på AU fortælle, hvorfor de vælger at tage cyklen til og fra campus.

Did you know that there is...

  • More than 10,000 parking spaces for bicycles on AU's campus areas
  • More than 3 km. bicycle racks on AU's campus areas

AU facts

If your bike gets a flat tyre, you can use one of the bike pump stations located around campus.