Known issues in Pure

Last updated: 21. August 2024.

Topics on this list are problems that we have identified, but to which we do not have an immediate solution. When we have found and implemented the solution, the topic is removed from this list.

Temporary system crashes and scheduled down-time etc. are announced on the Pure homepage.

Are you confused about the new personal homepages? Read about them here.

Re-authentication required for ORCiD

Most PURE users will eventually experience that ORCid asks to be re-authenticated. This is due to a change in ORCiD's policy. You can find a guide on how to re-authenticate here. Open the tab "Re-authentication required".

Miscellaneous display errors on the new personal homepages

Unfortunately, we experience a number of display errors on the new personal pages. The errors listed here have all been reported to IT. We can't help with inquiries about these problems except for the last one. There may be differences in display errors whether you're viewing the page in English or Danish.

  • If you have selected only two publications under Highlighted content, only these two will appear on your personal homepage.
  • Only one academic degree (title) is shown. Consider putting all your titles in one title box in PURE backend.
  • The Open Access symbol will not appear on publications on the new personal homepages.
  • If your font or font size is different in your free text fields, add them through the Quick Editor instead. They will then have the same formatting. Delete your free text fields from PURE backend first.

Profile picture not showing - or badly cropped?

The problems below have been reported to IT. They will be fixed as soon as possible. The problems are on the personal homepages.

  • If your picture doesn't have the filetype in its name, your picture won't be shown. The filename for your picture should eg. end like: ".jpeg"
  • Some users will find that their image is not displayed, even though they have inserted the image correctly. Contact the support or await a systemic solution.
  • Some may experience a wrong/bad cropping of their profile picture. Try cropping the picture by yourself, and then upload it again. The crop function may have a hard time cropping pictures where the background is blank/unnuanced or if you are standing sideways.

Delay between input in backend and display in frontend

Short delays may be experienced between entering data in PURE and visibility on the new personal homepages. However, the delay should not exceed the cache time of 60 minutes for the basic information and 12 hours for the ribbbons with, among other things, publications and activities. Work is continuing to reduce the response time on the uncached page