A letter has a max weight of 2 kilos. If it weighs more it has to be sent as a parcel.
Note: Letters can not be tracked.
To send a letter as a Quickletter, write a "Q" on the front. The delivery time for Q-letters are 2 days. Q-letters can't be tracked.
Note: In our experience Q-letters are often delayed. We recommend that you sent as a parcel instead, which is faster and often cheaper.
To send a letter as Registered write a "R" on the front. R-letters can be tracked and the recipient has to sign to receive it. In Denmark a R-letter will reach its destination in 2 days. For other countries it's 10-15 days.
Note: In our experience R-letters are often delayed. We recommend that you sent as a parcel instead, which is faster and often cheaper.
All shipments with a weight of more than 2 kilos it sent as parcels. Parcels always have track & trace on them.
If your shipment weight less than 2 kilos and should be sent as a parcel, write "send as parcel" on the envelope/box.
Sending a parcel (worldwide)
Custom papers has to be completed for parcel going outside the EU. Inform us of the contents of the parcel and the value of the content. You can write it directly on the parcel or on a post-it. We wil then fill out the necessary Custom papers for the parcel.
Parcels to company addresses in Great Britain
Parcels going to a company address in Great Britain needs a GB EORI number. Please inform us of that number. In some cases you can obtain the number from the company website, in other cases you'll have to contact the receiver to obtain the number.
It is possible to buy an insurance for at parcel. The insurance will cover up to 20.000 DKK. Please contact us for more info.
The use of a courier service is up to each department.
As of 1st of march 2025 there is a purchasing agreement on courier transport.
We pickup and deliver internal shipments on most AU addresses in central Aarhus.
A internal shipment may be an envelope, a box/parcel, a brown internal envelope, etc.
How to send an internal shipment:
Internal shipments in Aarhus are delivered day to day, with a few locations where it will be 2-3 days.
Shipments going from Aarhus to the AU addresses in Tjele, Roskilde, Emdrup, Herning and Moesgaard are being sent daily with PostNord.
Shipments between our own AU locations is free to use for all AU employees.
The institute/department pays for external shipments, which is invoiced directly by PostNord via EAN.
In Denmark
Letters in Denmark: 5 days
Q-letters and R-letters in Denmark: 1-2 days
Parcels in Denmark: 1-2 days
Internal AU shipments: see the section above
Outside Denmark
Letters (incl. R-letters) 5-15 days depending on the country.
Parcels: 5-15 days depending on country.
Note: In our experience parcels always arrive faster than letters
If your organisational unit (e.g. department/school) is changing address, please notify the Mail and Logistics at intern-post@au.dk and inform us of:
If you have made customer agreements with courier companies (e.g. FedEx or GLS), please remember to inform them/update your customer information.
Remember: Notify the Unit Registry – read more here (in Danish). This change will be applied to all instances and therefor also every employees address association
Mail and parcels in Emdrup (in Danish)
Mail and parcels in Roskilde: Contact building service
Mail and shipments in Flakkebjerg: Contact building service
Mail and shipments in Herning: Reception / BSS student services
Monday - Friday: 11.30-12.30
Trøjborgvej 82-84, building 1918
DK-8000 Aarhus C