• Employee parking

  • Register your car in order to park on AU's parking Spaces

Who can create a parking permit?

You can create a parking permit if your primary employer is Aarhus University and your workplace is in an AU building.Your parking permit expires automatically when you no longer have AU as your primary employer.

The parking permit is personal for your work at AU. A parking permit may not be created for - or transferred - to others.

If you believe you should be able to create a parking permit, but are rejected, please contact tek@au.dk.

The parking permit is valid for - see maps

As of February 1st, 2018: On these maps you can see which parking areas in Aarhus that are covered by Employee Parking:

Please note places with special parking conditions (see below).

Please note

  • The Parking permit allow you to park in connection with your job at AU. It is therefore not permitted to use the parking areas for long-term parking.
  • The permit does not apply to the parking spaces at the Steno Museum and Naturhistorisk Museum (Museum of Natural History), these places are for visitors only.
  • 4-hour parking is available for guests on Jens Chr. Skous Vej (at the east and the north side of the Nobelparken building complex). Employees with parking permit may park here with no time limitation.

How to register your car

  • Click the ‘Register your car’ button in the menu on the right.
  • Enter your username: au[auid]@uni.au.dk - eg. au123456@uni.au.dk
  • Enter your password - the same as for your webmail.
  • Enter your car’s registration number.
  • Click the ‘Save’ symbol.
  • You will receive an email confirming that the permit has been created.
  • You can log in any time and check your parking permits.

You can register up to two cars - however, please note that you may not park both cars at the same time. Pay attention to the signs at the parking area. 

New car or courtesy car?
Remember that your parking permit - and the parking inspection - are based on your car’s registration number.

  • If you acquire a new car, you must log in using the ‘Register your car’ button, delete the parking permit for your old car and create a new parking permit for your new car.
  • If you are temporarily using a courtesy car and you have already created the maximum two parking permits, you can delete one of your permits and create a parking permit for the courtesy car. After use, delete the parking permit for the courtesy car and create a new parking permit for the registration number you deleted.

How to create a parking permit for a guest, a share car or a rental car

If you are visited by a guest who does not have a parking permit for AU's Employee Parking, your guest has two parking options in the areas:

  • Spaces reserved for guests with a time limit of four hours.
  • A guest parking permit that allows your guest to park at AU's Employee Parking.

The guest parking permit can only be created for the current day and is valid until midnight.

At Trøjborgvej by building 1910-1918, you need to be particularly aware that the guest parking spaces - the first 11 parking spaces to the right after the entrance - are spaces marked with a sign stating 'Aarhus Universitet gæsteparkering' (guests to Aarhus University) with a restriction of four hours. The time limitation of 4 hours applies even if your guest has a guest parking permit.

Create a guest parking permit

All AU employees who are authorised to create parking permits (see the above text box) can create guest parking permits.

  • Click the ‘Register your car’ button in the menu on the right.
  • Enter your username: au[auid]@uni.au.dk - eg. au123456@uni.au.dk
  • Enter your password - the same as for your webmail.
  • Select the tab 'Guests'
  • Enter your guest's car’s registration number.
  • Click the ‘Save’ symbol.
  • You will receive an email confirming that the permit has been created.

If you have a share car or a rental car available, you can create a parking permit in the same way as described above.

Disabled parking

As a guest, student or employee of Aarhus University, you can park freely - even in the “ordinary” parking bays - in the parking areas covered by AU employee parking - ie. without a parking permit, but with a correctly placed valid disability sign.

Here you will find a map showing where there are handicap parking bays in the parking areas covered by AU employee parking.

AU official cars and suppliers

Some cars are exempt from the parking rules and may park freely in the parking areas - however, only for a maximum of four hours in areas with a four hour time limit.

  • AU official cars with the ‘Aarhus University’ and/or AU logo affixed to the car.
  • Cars belonging to suppliers and other companies visiting/working at AU (the company name and CVR number must be affixed to the car).

Charging of private electric and hybrid cars

It is now possible to charge your electric or hybrid car in the AU car parks. In Aarhus, Clever has won the Bygningsstyrelse tender, while Norlys has won in Foulum.

It is also possible to charge in Nobel Park where the landlord has entered with Clever – see under "Special parking conditions in Nobel Park".

The University Park, Emdrup,Flakkebjerg and Roskilde are included in current or future tenders from Bygningsstyrelsen.


You will find the charging stations in the car parks:

Langelandsgade 155 (by building 1590)

• Tåsingegade 3 (by building 1447)

• Dalgas Avenue 4

• Trøjborgvej 82 (direction Trøjborgvej)

• Fuglesangs Allé 4 (next to building 2632).

At the charging stations, the black signs from ParkZone have red edging:


Monday to Friday 7:00-17:00 parking is only allowed for:

• electric and hybrid cars with a valid parking permit for AU staff parking


• the car must be under charging


• parking is only allowed for max. 4 hours.

The above means that the car must be moved before it is 100% charged – even if it happens within the maximum allowed 4 hours

There is no guarantee that there will be a vacant space in the immediate vicinity when the car is to be moved; It may be necessary to search for a vacant space in the area in other parking spaces that are covered by AU employee parking

During periods when a parking permit is not required (Monday to Friday 17:00-7:00 and Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays):

• the bay may only be used by electric and hybrid cars


• the car must be charging


• parking is only allowed for max. 4 hours.

See FAQs


There is no AU employee parking/parking regulations in Foulum, so we recommend that your car is moved when it is fully charged to make room for colleagues who also need to charge.

Check the operator's terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of charging can be found on the operator's website.

Parking conditions in Nobel Park

  • AU employees who have created a parking permit can park in both green and white areas (the signs have green and white borders, respectively)
  • It is recommended that AU employees park in the green areas, and only park in the white areas if there is no space in green areas..
  • Guests who have been granted a guest parking permit by an AU employee are allowed to park in both green and white areas (the signs have a green and a white border, respectively).
  • Guests also have the option of 4-hour parking with a P-disk in the white areas (the signs have a white border).

You can see the location of the areas here.

It is not permitted to park in the other parking areas which are assigned to the other tenants in the Nobel Park.

Parking bays for charging electric cars
Bays reserved for charging electric cars are not covered by AU employee parking. The parking conditions are according to the signs.

Parking conditions in Universitetsbyen

In connection with the construction for Aarhus BSS, two parking garages will be established in Universitetsbyen. The parking garages are expected to be ready for use in the course of 2025.

In the period leading up to commissioning, the landlord has temporarily made the parking garage Peter Sabroes Gade 8 available to AU. A parking permit for AU employee parking therefore also applies to the car park.

NB. The parking permit for AU employee parking does not apply to the parking spaces between the buildings in Universitetsbyen - the parking conditions here appear from the signs on site

Parking conditions Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4-6

Parking in the part of the car park located along side building 1633 (on the left hand side after the driveway from Høgh-Guldbergs Gade) is reserved for AIAS and International Center. The area is marked with signs that have red and white striped edges.

Parking in this area requires a special parking permit issued by the AIAS or International Center. A parking permit for AU employee parking thus does not provide access to park in the area.

The remaining part of the car park – along side building 1650 – is still included in AU employee parking.

The parking lot Katrinebjergvej 103-105

[As of 01-01-2022, the owner of the parking lot Katrinebjergvej 103-105 introduces parking regulation of the parking lot - see marking in blue:

The regulation means that there is only access to parking

• for a maximum of 4 hours with a parking disc
• when registered in ParkCare - ie. including also with a valid parking permit for AU employee parking.

If you are visited by a guest, you can also - after logging in to "Register your car" - create a guest parking permit under the tab "Guests". A guest permit is valid from the time of creation until midnight.

AU company cars with the logo or "Aarhus Universitet" affixed can park freely on the site without a parking permit.

Parking on campus in Emdrup

From March 1, 2020, ParkZone oversees parking in the parking areas on campus in Emdrup.

This means that if you park outside the designated booths, you will be charged a ParkZone parking fine.
There are parking areas facing Tuborgvej and at building D.
Parking is not allowed in the alley behind building B.

The parking areas in Emdrup are not covered by AU employee parking - ie. no parking permit is required.

Reserved parking spaces for Ta’Med carpoolers

On a trial basis until May 2024, AU has reserved eight parking spaces for staff who use the Ta’Med commuting app to give a passenger a lift to or from work. Read on to find out what you need to do to be eligible to park in these reserved Ta’Med spaces.

Who is eligible to park in these reserved spaces?

  • In order to park in these spaces, you must be a member of AU’s carpooling club in the Ta’Med app, and you must have a passenger in the car, either to or from work.
  • You also need to have a Ta’Med sticker on your front windshield. You can order one from the switchboard after you have joined the carpooling club and made at least one trip.
  • You also need a valid staff parking permit.

Order a sticker
To order a sticker, send a mail to omstilling@au.dk, and you will then receive it by internal post within a few days.
You can also get a sticker from the switcboard office – which is located at Trøjborgvej 82-84, building 1918, ground floor. Opening hours: 9:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday and 9:00 - 14:00 Friday.

Location of reserved Ta’Med parking spaces
Here you can see where the eight reserved Ta’Med carpooling parking places are located (two spaces at each of the three locations shown below).

Access to "Register your car" requires two-step authentication.


  • Parking rules and regulations – please contact ParkZone at 7025 2696.
  • Employee Parking AU – please contact tek@au.dk

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