Naming principles

Faculty names

AU's five faculties have a long name for using in formal situations and a short name for using on a daily basis. There is also an abbreviation for each faculty solely for internal use and a domain name for the website. The Latin names are used, among other things, for honorary doctorates.

Long nameShort nameInternal abbreviationDomain nameLatin name
Faculty of Arts Arts AR Facultas Artium
Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences Aarhus BSS BSS Facultas Rerum Politicarum
Faculty of Health Health HE Facultas Medicinae
Faculty of Natural Sciences Nat NS Facultas Scientiarum
Faculty of Technical Sciences Tech TS Facultas Technices

The names were decided by the senior management team on 9 March 2011 with subsequent amendments.

Department names

In connection with the reduction in the number of departments from 70 to 26 in 2011, it was agreed that all departments must have a Danish and an English name.

Moreover, it was decided that in English, departments should be called 'Department of X', with X comprising max. two academic terms. At the same time, it was decided to adopt domain names/abbreviations which are generally acronyms of the English department names (with the exception of 'ODONT'). The domain names are in English to ensure they are more easily understood in an international context. Other than that, the abbreviation is for internal use only.

A few department names deviate from this general principle.

National centres

In connection with the establishment of the national centres in 2011, it was agreed that all national centres must have a Danish and an English name and, like the departments, an abbreviation and a domain name. The domain names are in English to ensure they are more easily understood in an international context.

In Danish, the formula was abbreviation plus dash plus 'Nationalt Center for' and then a maximum of two academic terms, for example 'DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi'. In English, the abbreviation plus dash plus 'Danish Centre for … ', here 'DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy'.

Graduate schools

In connection with the establishment of the four graduate schools in 2011, it was agreed that all graduate schools should have both a Danish and an English name according to the same formula.

In other words, in writing use ' Ph.d.-skole, Arts' in Danish and 'Graduate School, Arts' in English.

When speaking, use 'Ph.d.-skole for Arts' in Danish and 'Graduate School at Arts' in English.

Locations and campuses

In connection with the reorganisation on 9 March 2011, it was decided that all of the university's geographical locations must have a name which starts with AU and then the geographical location, for example 'AU Silkeborg', 'AU Roskilde' and 'AU Viborg'. 'AU Herning' is both the name of a department and location.

Areas with many students, however, are referred to as campuses; for example Aarhus Campus and Emdrup Campus. 

Names of buildings

As a general rule, AU’s buildings are not given names: each building is assigned a number. 
However, buildings that have special functions or special significance, historical or otherwise, may be assigned a name to supplement the number. As a general rule, such buildings may not be named after living persons, and the names of buildings may not refer to products or companies.