
The Photography Unit can help with

An hourly rate of DKK 500 will be charged for special assignments which fall outside our range of core services.

We normally cover symposiums, conferences and similar events free of charge for one hour.  Any additional services will be charged by the hour.

Book a photographer

AU Photo
Events and Communication Support
Trøjborgvej 82-84
Building 1910, room 3.20
8200 Aarhus N

Tel. 9352 2150

Credit the photographer

The photographer must always be credited with 'photographer's name, AU Photo'.

One exception is what are known as so-called 'focus boxes' at the top of websites or very small images on the internet.

In printed media, credits can appear next to the picture or on the colophon page.

Photo libraries

AU's photo archive

In AU's photo archive (formerly known as Cumulus) you can download photos. 

Access: You can find the archive here. 

Guidelines for using photos from AU's photo archive 

When you sign in to the photo archive, you have to accept the terms of use for the images. The terms of use are:

  • The principles and terms concern the use of images in publications relating to Aarhus University, AU presentations, university websites and AU's social media profiles.
  • An image may only be used in the context for which it was originally intended when the photo was taken, and you may only publish the image as a natural part of the university's tasks. 
  • The photo must not expose the person in the image. It is vital that the person in the image does not feel exposed, exploited or offended, e.g. in connection with marketing.

As a general rule, pictures of people from the archive may be used without the permission of the persons, provided you use them in compliance with the above principles. The Danish Data Protection Agency no longer distinguishes between situational images and portrait images.

Take special care when using images for marketing purposes, e.g. advertisements, posters, websites, etc., publicising degree programmes, events etc. You should NEVER use an image of people in marketing contexts without obtaining their express consent in advance.

If you want to use an image from AU's photo archive and you cannot download the image yourself, because the image is marked Restricted use, this will be because the image is protected by consent requirements or other limitations. You may still be able to use the image. If you want to use the image, please contact your local communication department.

If you have the slightest doubt about whether you are permitted to use an image, you should obtain permission from the people in the image before you publish it, or else use another image. 

AU Photo disclaims all responsibility in the event of noncompliance with these requirements.

Remember to credit

Make sure that print and digital photos are always credited with the photographer's name.

Want to know more?


Colorbox is a large photo library to which AU subscribes.


You can find colourbox here: 

Username and password:

All employees can be given full access, if required, and all students can have access to 30 free Colourbox downloads a month using an education key.
Send your request by email to

What does it cost to use Colourbox?

Colourbox is free to use for you, but AU Communication pays a fixed subscription + a charge per download, so only ever download photos which you definitely know that you will need.

How may we use the Colourbox photos? 

Colourbox has an extensive FAQ page:

Free images

All images on the internet are basically protected by copyright, so you must not download images you find there without permission. There are, however, a number of collections of images that may be used freely, but always read the terms and conditions carefully.

Try some of these sites:

You can also find images that are free to use on Google: Go into 'Advanced Image Search' and select 'free to use or share' under 'usage rights'; then you can search with a clear conscience.

Staff photos

Below, you can see the next available dates for PURE photo sessions. The sessions will take place at building 1910, room 320 at Trøjborgvej 82-84, 8000 Aarhus C.

Register for staff photo 21 February 2025 here

Emdrup offer separate photography services, find more information below:


For staff photography services in Emdrup, please contact Ib Jensen, Arts Communication.

Information for freelance photographers

How do I invoice AU?

Aarhus University only accepts electronic invoices.

The easiest way to send an invoice is via this link: (in Danish)