
Receptions on special work-related occasions

A reception may be held on the following personal work-related occasions, if requested by the employee:

  • 25th, 40th and 50th State employment anniversaries
  • 25 years in managerial positions at the university
  • Retirement from the position of rector, pro-rector, dean, vice-dean, head of department, university director and deputy director
  • Retirement after more than 15 years of employment
  • Defence of doctoral dissertation
  • Public PhD defence
  • Completion of trainee programme

In addition, receptions may be held on the occasion of building inaugurations, opening of new departments and centres and 25th, 50th, 75th and 100th anniversaries of departments and centres.

Depending on the occasion, bread rolls, tea, coffee, cake, fruit, chocolate or a reception platter, beer, water and wine or the like may be served at a cost of up to DKK 125 incl. VAT per expected number of participants. In the case of completion of a trainee programme, the maximum amount is DKK 75 incl. VAT.

Documentation in the form of, for example, the invitation or notice must be enclosed with expense vouchers related to receptions on special work-related occasions.