Entertainment expenses and refreshments

Refreshments for internal meetings

At council and committee meetings at the university and in the main academic areas, departments, centres and administrative divisions, at interdisciplinary management meetings and at presentation, dialogue or working meetings with units from other main academic areas/administrative divisions, bread rolls/bread or fruit/chocolate/cake and coffee/tea may be served. In exceptional cases, where the timing of the meeting requires lunch during the meeting or before/after the meeting, sandwiches may be served for lunch. The same applies if external guests are participating in meetings.

 Expenses for food and special beverages (other than water, coffe/tea) are not allowed for normal internal meetings, such as section meetings, unit meetings, team meetings, working group meetings, project group meetings etc. 

The purpose of the meeting and the full names of all participants must always be stated for approval of expenses for refreshments for internal meetings. 

Generally, when providing refreshments for internal meetings, it must always be ensured that the expenses incurred are commensurate with the purpose of the meeting. In case of doubt, it is for the immediate superior/employee having decision-making authority in this area to assess whether the expenses incurred are commensurate with the purpose of the meeting.

Entertainment expenses

Maximum amounts for entertainment expenses

On the following occasions, the event may conclude with a lunch or dinner: 

  • Guest lectures
  • Honorary doctorates
  • Completion of major committee work, including assessment committees
  • Academic events

There must be a reasonable balance between the number of external guests and staff from the university. The general rule is that the ratio must be 50/50. If there are few participants (fewer than 10) for lunch/dinner, the ratio may be different. 

The maximum amount for lunch is DKK 450 and the maximum amount for dinner is DKK 800 per person, including VAT and beverages. 

The amounts specified are not indexed. 

If a foreign visiting researcher or honorary doctor is accompanied by an escort, expenses for this escort’s and the official AU host’s escort’s lunch or dinner will be allowed. 

The expenses will be covered by the budget of the department/centre/main academic area/administrative division. 

It is for the head of department/centre director/deputy director to make decisions on the defrayal of entertainment expenses within the maximum amounts indicated. Deviations from the maximum amounts are subject to the prior approval of the dean or university director. 

The occasion and the full names and affiliation of all participants must be stated for approval of entertainment expenses.