User administration in RejsUd and CWT

Please note that no new users will be created in RejsUd in week 30. 

All user creation requests received by Wednesday 17 July 2024, will be available in RejsUd during week 29.

AU employees

Do you want to create a new AU profile in RejsUd

This is no longer necessary as it happens automatically following creation in the Medarbejderstamkort; this is the case for staff employed after November 2020, only. New employees will have access to the RejsUd profile between the 5th and the 9th of each month. The mass creation does not include new employees who do not have a Danish civil registration number on the day of creation or are on a short-term contract. Employee profiles concerned must therefore be created using the form on this page.

In case there is a need for creation of the travelling profile sooner than mentioned above – eg. if an employee taking up his/her position mid-month needs a credit card or needs to settle expenses – the RejsUd/CWT form is to be filled in.

A CWT profile may be created simultaneously with the RejsUd profile. A CWT profile is relevant when booking airfare or international hotel reservations via the travel agent CWT.

Creation of external profiles

Creation of external RejsUd profiles, eg. students, test subjects, guests, co-examiners etc. who need settlement of eg. transport expenses. Please note that external profiles do not have access to their RejsUd profiles but must have their expenses settled by an AU employee with secretarial rights in RejsUd.

If you need to create multiple users at the same time, please forward an Excel list to If the Sender of the list does not have a power of attorney 1, please add, under cc, the mail address of a an employee holding a power of attorney 1.

Creation of the profile will be completed within 14 days

Discontinuation of profile

This form is for the discontinuation of both AU employee profiles and external profiles.