
Aarhus University has entered into a business framework agreement with A/S Storebælt, so you can acquire a BroBizz to cross the Great Belt Bridge fast and flexibly.

BroBizz can also be used for Molslinjen ferries. Please note that if you use a BroBizz to buy a Molslinjen ticket, you pay for a Business Blue Class ticket. We therefore recommend that you purchase your tickets online, as you can save up to DKK 400-500 per crossing by booking this way.


Terms and conditions for setting up a BroBizz

Each unit at AU with its own EAN number can have a sub-account set up for the business framework agreement. It is possible to receive more than one BroBizz for each sub-account, but there can only be one responsible contact person per sub-account. It is not possible for two employees at the same unit/department to be registered with two different sub-accounts.

When ordering a BroBizz, a contact person who is responsible for all BroBizzes at the unit/department must be appointed. The contact person must check the monthly invoice sent to the corresponding EAN number and document that the journeys on the invoice had an official purpose.

How to order a BroBizz

  • Call +45 3393 5200 and ask for the market department or write an email to <>
  • Tell them that you want to set up a sub-account for the MOR account called Aarhus University with framework agreement account number: 10008755
  • Then provide the following information:
    • Faculty (units within the central administration must state the central administration as their faculty)
    • Unit/department/school/centre
    • Address
    • CVR no. (All units must state 31119103)
    • EAN no.
    • Number of BroBizzes required
    • Contact person
  • Your new sub-account will be set up within 1-2 working days. You will receive the BroBizzes within 4-5 working days. The BroBizzes contain a delivery note with the new customer number. Please refer to this customer number if you need several BroBizzes on the same account and EAN number. 

New BroBizz'

New Brobizzes must be registered with Molslinjen before a discount can be obtained. To register your BroBizz, please send the BroBizz number to Procurement.

Ordering a BroBizz – a scenario

You are the BroBizz contact person in your unit/department. You need to order two BroBizzes. You contact A/S Storebælt to ask them to set up a sub-account (see ‘How to order a BroBizz’ above).

When you receive the BroBizzes, you put one in the unit/department’s company car, and you give the other to an employee. You are responsible for checking the monthly invoice that will be sent to the EAN number you provided. You must check this invoice against the mileage logbook in the company car and the travel expense reports/mileage reimbursement invoices made by the person with the BroBizz.