Nat-Tech HR

Nat-Tech HR handles the day-to-day management of HR tasks for Faculty of Natural Sciences (Nat) and Faculty of Technical Sciences (Tech). HR provides guidance and advisory services for leaders and employees as well as handles personnel administration within the following areas: Recruitment, including international recruitment, contracts, participation in employment interviews, administration regarding maternity/paternity leave, illness, leave of absence, assistance in difficult employee cases, sick leave dialogues, dialogues involving conflict, staff development dialogues and senior dialogues, participation in work councils and the yearly salary negotiations.

You can read more about the specific teams and areas and find all Nat-Tech HR's employees below.

Senior Academic Staff team

Junior Academic Staff team

TAP team

Hourly Staff team

Absence team

Student Assistant

HR Partners at departments and centres

HR Partners at other units and functions


For general inquiries regarding HR and personnel cases, we ask that you please contact:

Senior Academic Staff team

In charge of personnel management of senior academic staff (i.e. Assistant Professors, Researchers, Tenure Track Assistant Professors, Tenure Track Researchers, Associate Professors, Professors).

Team Coordinator





Supported by entire Senior Academic Staff team


TAP team

In charge of personnel management regarding technical/administrative staff and trainees.

Team Coordinator

Hourly Staff team

In charge of personnel management of hourly wage employment - DTAP og DVIP, stipends and unpaid relations.

Team Coordinator

Absence team

In charge of maternity/paternity leave, illness, salary subsidy, flex job, job training and §56 for VIP and TAP and document access.

For inquiries regarding maternity/paternity leave, illness, absence, salary subsidy, flex job, job training, §56 and document access, we ask that you please contact the Absence team:

Team Coordinator

Student Assistant

HR Partners at the departments and centres

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Department of Biology (BIO)

Department of Computer Science (CS)

Institute of Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)

Department of Geoscience (GEO)

Department of Chemistry (CHEM)

Department of Mathematics (MATH)

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG)

Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre (iNANO)

Faculty of Technical Sciences

Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG)

Department of Agroecology (AGRO)

Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering (BCE)

Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering (CAE)

Department of Ecoscience (ECOS)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Department of Food Science (FOOD)

Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ANIVET)

Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE)

Department of Enviromental Science (ENVS)

International Centre for Reasearh in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS)

National Centre for Food and Agriculture (DCA)

Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (DCE)

HR Partners at other units and functions

Admission Course

The Danish Biodiversity Council

Nat Faculty Management - Dean's office and secretariat

Nat-Tech Administrative Centre

Building services, IT

HR, Finance, Education

The Science Museums

Tech Faculty Management - Dean's office and secretariat