At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
All academic staff, managers at senior management team, faculty management team and department head (at Arts: school head) level, as well as managers at administrative centre manager and deputy director level, must annually disclose any sideline employment with relevance to their position at AU.
Technical/administrative staff are not required to disclose their sideline employment in Pure. Any technical/administrative staff who are uncertain whether their sideline employment is compatible with their employment at AU should discuss their situation with their manager.
Information about sideline employment must be registered in Pure.
Relevant sideline employment must be registered on an ongoing basis as far as possible – and by 1 March at the latest for the preceding calendar year.
Sideline employment undertaken in 2024 must be registered by 1 March 2025.
The default setting for information disclosed about sideline employment in Pure is public - no restriction. However, users can still opt to set this information as confidential.
Staff is encouraged to disclose their sideline employment on their Pure profiles. Doing so helps show our commitment to and engagement in society and knowledge exchange with external partners. Registering their sidelines employment in Pure is also a way for researchers to disclose their interests. Transparency about interests helps AU minimise and deal with potential conflicts of interest. Being open about sideline employment also serves to create trust in the impartiality of both staff and the university.
Information about sideline employment will be included in the ongoing dialogue between the manager and the employee, and may also be included in the annual SDD dialogue.
If you are a manager and need information about the sideline employment undertaken by an employee in your unit, please write to
Sideline employment can be professional or commercial. Professional sideline employment is undertaken as an extension of an employee’s position at AU, and commercial sideline employment is carried out alongside an employee’s position at the university.
Examples of professional sideline employment:
Examples of commercial sideline employment:
Examples of sideline employment with high research security risk
Both commercial and professional sideline employment can present research security risks Specifically, this applies to:
The staff policy guidelines only cover sideline employment that is relevant for a member of staff’s employment at AU. Sideline jobs related to an employee's hobbies or similar, including civic duties, are not covered by the guidelines. However, this presupposes that the scope of such jobs is compatible with the member of staff’s employment at AU and does not affect the performance of his/her tasks or attendance.
Examples of sideline employment covered by the staff policy guidelines include employment in another independent organisation, board memberships in other companies, honorary offices, etc., undertaken concurrently with an emplolyee’s main occupation at Aarhus University. As a general rule, all employees at Aarhus University may engage in sideline employment, provided that such employment is compatible with their main occupation at Aarhus University, see section 17 of the Danish Civil Servants Act (Tjenestemandsloven) and section 15 of the Danish Salaried Employees Act (Funktionærloven).
However, sideline employment must not bring an employee’s competence or loyalty to AU into question or cause conflicts of interest. Sideline employment must therefore not distort competition in relation to AU's activities and core services. Employees who are unsure whether there is a conflict of interest between their employment at AU and their sideline employment should discuss the matter with their immediate supervisor as soon as possible.
By agreement with their immediate supervisor, employees can transition to part-time employment as a result of other employment – for example because they have started their own business or they work at another institution/company – provided that such employment is compatible with their position at AU.
Sideline employment that presents a potential risk to research security must be pre-approved by the head of department (Arts: head of school) no later than 14 days before commencement of the sideline employment.
For example, this includes sideline employment related to high-threat countries. AU defines high-threat countries as the countries named in the section on research in most recent issue of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service publication ’Assessment of the espionage threat against Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland' (in Danish only). As of 1 March the high-threat countries included on the list are Iran, China and Rusland. However, the list is dynamic and subject to change.
It also includes sideline employment with the risk of 'dual use', involving the exchange of knowledge for legitimate purposes which has the potential for misuse, for example for military purposes. Relatively few cases of 'dual use' in research at universities is expected. In case of doubt, please contact
The staff member may only register their sideline employment in Pure after the manager has assessed it as being compatible with employment at AU.
As described in the AU staff policy, Aarhus University wants to strengthen relations and collaboration with the rest of society through employees' sideline employment so that their experience and competencies are utilised to benefit society as a whole.
AU therefore considers it positive and desirable that employees engage in the development of society through sideline employment. This engagement is considered recognition of employees' professional expertise, and it helps profile Aarhus University in the public debate. However, it is crucial that sideline employment is compatible with an employee’s main occupation at AU and does not impede AU's activities.
The employees’ knowledge is a resource for society, just as the knowledge and experience gained through sideline employment may benefit Aarhus University. Aarhus University takes a positive view of sideline employment on the condition that such employment does not cause
If the employee is in doubt with regard to whether a specific form of sideline employment is compatible with his or her main occupation, this should be discussed with the head of department (Aarhus BSS, HE and ST)/head of school (Arts)/centre director/deputy director.
If AU receives a request for right of access to information about sideline employment of an employee in accordance with section 21(3) of the Access to Public Administration Files Act, AU may disclose information about public-sector sideline employment, e.g. membership of a council, board, committee or commission. No right of access to information about sideline employment in the private sector will be granted.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that the scope and nature of sideline employment is compatible with an employee's main occupation at AU.
Employees who have taken on sideline employment that is not considered compatible with their main occupation at AU will be informed in writing with a notice ordering the sideline employment in question to be terminated.
If the employee fails to comply with the written notice, there may be consequences for the member of staff’s employment. See the rules on dismissal of employees at Aarhus University
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