CenSec - Center for Defence, Space and Security | The cluster facilitates collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises and leading Danish knowledge institutions that are or want to become suppliers to the Danish and international defence, space and security industry. |
| Ole Balling, TECH |
CLEAN - Environmental Cluster Denmark | CLEAN covers solutions in areas such as water, air and soil purification, water supply, waste management, climate adaptation, resource efficiency, process optimisation for waste reduction, and new and recycled plastics. |
| Uffe S. Thomsen, TECH |
Copenhagen FinTech | This cluster covers banking, investment, insurance, pension and other financial businesses where digital technologies are fuelling innovation in areas such as payment solutions and financial management. |
| Bas Spitters, NAT Lone Ryg Olsen, Enterprise and Innovation (university board member) |
Danish Life Science Cluster | Life Science refers to the entire ecosystem of pharmaceuticals and biotechnological preparations. Welfare technology includes technical and digital aids and solutions in areas such as elderly, social and health care. |
| Jesper Friis Mortensen, Enterprise and Innovation Thomas Vorup-Jensen, Health |
Danish Sound Cluster | The cluster initiative focuses on four areas: Healthcare & welfare, environmental sound solutions, creative sound solutions and future soundtech solutions. It is primarily aimed at companies that utilise sound in technological products and services or where sound is a significant differentiator. |
| Lars G. Johansen, TECH Morten Breinbjerg, Arts |
DigitalLead | DigitalLead covers IT companies that develop software and IT-related products and services in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital communication, big data, blockchain, data analytics and IoT. |
| Kaj Grønbæk, NAT (university board member) Adriënne Heijnen, Arts |
Energy Cluster Denmark | The energy cluster covers technologies related to the production of energy and energy-efficient solutions in commercial contexts. |
| Steen Nielsen, TECH Anders Bentien, TECH René Goduscheit, Aarhus BSS |
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark | This cluster covers the supply and value chain from primary production through food processing and distribution to value creation via biological residual and side streams as well as environmentally and climate-friendly alternatives in areas such as biogas, materials, chemicals and feed. |
| Eskild Holm Nielsen, TECH (university board member) Steen Brock, Arts |
MADE - Manefacturing Academy of Denmark | MADE covers value chains within manufacturing industry, manufacturing business and automation technology. A significant sub-segment consists of companies in machine manufacturing. |
| Peter Gorm Larsen, TECH Kaj Grønbæk, NAT |
Lifestyle & Design Cluster | The cluster covers design companies working with graphic and visual design, product design and home and clothing companies, including the design and production of furniture, interiors, textiles, fashion goods, etc. |
| Marianne Ping Huang, Arts |
Odense Robotics - Denmark's cluster for robotics, automation and drones | Odense Robotics covers the development and production of technologies that aim to streamline and increase production across industries. The area includes, for example, surveillance drones, collaborative robots and semi-autonomous systems. |
| Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen, TECH Andy Drysdale, TECH |
Vision Denmark | This cluster covers companies that work with all or parts of the value chain in the production of animation, games, film, TV, advertising and interactive technologies, as well as distribution via licensing, publishing and streaming. |
| Marianne Ping Huang, Arts |
WE BUILD DENMARK | The cluster covers the entire value chain in this area, which includes buildings, architects, consultancies and building materials. The civil engineering area primarily covers transport infrastructure and its operation and maintenance. |
| Mikkel K. Kragh, TECH Adriënne Heijnen, Arts |