AU CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is AU’s database for data about its internal and external contacts, organizations and networks. This allows for knowledge-sharing across AU’s departments, as well as data management in accordance with.  

In addition, AU CRM contains an email marketing tool to ensure professional communication.  

AU CRM at the moment

AU CRM is used within Alumni, Career and other cross-functional areas. Currently, AU CRM consists of e-mail marketing, a STADS integration as well as integrations with AU’s event management system, Conference Manager, and the CVR, the central business register.  

AU CRM supports the alumni network at Aarhus University for all 5 faculties with over 40.000 members in total.  AU CRM handles membership registration, data overview, e-mail communication as well as rules regarding GDPR. The STADS-integration ensures the right foundation for identifying and enriching alumni data. 

In addition, AU CRM also supports Cooperation with High Schools and International recruitment (AU UDD), AU Career PhD & JR, ARTS Career, Aarhus BSS external relations, executive education and collaborations at Aarhus BSS, ARTS and Health and Business and Innovation. 

AU CRM target group

AU CRM is primarily used for tasks regarding AU’s external relations. In this context, external relations are the organizations and people that AU interacts with. AU CRM contains data on students, alumni and contacts. The system also supports activities regarding AU’s external collaboration with for example partnerships, innovation cases and alumni relations.  

AU CRM contains data on 3800 organizations, where approximately 300.000 of those are alumni.  

The users of AU CRM send out almost 1 million e-mails annually and receive 250.000 registrations for events, newsletters, etc.