After the summer holiday most of the first-year Master’s students at the Faculty of Arts will start using Blackboard, which is our new learning management system. So the first courses in how to use Blackboard will be offered to teachers and administrative staff in June and August this year.
Blackboard is AU’s new digital meeting point, a subject forum for both teachers and students. The first people to use the system at the Faculty of Arts will be first-year Master’s students at two departments. This will be after the summer holiday, with the rest of the faculty following suit in 2015.
Wednesday 9 April students can hear about the possibilities for the Profile semester. The profile semester is relevant for 3. semester of the master degrees on IKS/CAS and IÆK/DAC. The day is only in danish and registration closes 7 April.
In connection with the budget process, departments and centres at the Faculty of Arts have now finalised a range of agreements regarding voluntary resignations and senior staff schemes, as well as dismissing a single member of staff at the Department of Culture and Society.
The faculty management team has decided to adjust the departmental structure at the Faculty of Arts. The departments will be organised in sections to reflect the faculty’s degree programmes, with heads of section being given primary managerial responsibility.
In early January, AU HR held the first of a series of meetings for the mentors and mentees participating in the Empower Talent mentor scheme.
The new strategy for Educational IT at the Faculty of Arts means that the digital media will be a central feature in developing the quality of the faculty’s degree programmes.
The 15 to 28 February there is exam check and registration for students for the summer exam period. The students are reminded on the at study Portal portal and will receive an email from AU Studies at the beginning of the registration period.
The 15 to 30 September there is exam check and registration for students for the winther exam period. The students are reminded on the at Study Portal Arts and will receive an email from AU Studies at the beginning of the registration period.
From 1 September 2014 it will be possible to take a new Master’s degree programme in sustainable heritage management at Aarhus University. The programme is to be conducted in English. Graduates will be able to find employment in the museum/cultural heritage sector, among other options.
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