Educational IT at the Faculty of Arts: new strategy adopted

The new strategy for Educational IT at the Faculty of Arts means that the digital media will be a central feature in developing the quality of the faculty’s degree programmes.

The strategy for Educational IT at the Faculty of Arts has been discussed by various staff organisations in a hearing process, and has now been adopted by the faculty management team, who are also responsible for putting it into effect. Dean Mette Thunø describes the strategy as follows:

“This strategy puts more focus on educational IT at the faculty. Supporting our teaching with more technology can give a boost to student learning processes, for instance by exploiting the full potential of Blackboard for communication between teachers and students outside the classroom. The faculty will allocate the funding needed to put the strategy into practice, giving teachers the time to develop new competences in this area.”

The strategy will be implemented at the faculty’s departments with the assistance of the Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media (CUDiM). For instance, CUDiM is responsible for developing the competences of the faculty’s teachers. Arne Kjær, the director of the centre, explains:

“The new strategy for Educational IT at the faculty is designed to ensure that the introduction of digital media helps to develop the quality of our degree programmes. That’s why it will be implemented following discussions with teachers and students and in cooperation with our departments, boards of studies and subject environments. A plan of action will soon be distributed to our subject environments to invite their comments.” 

The strategy will result in specific projects that will be launched by the faculty during the strategy period (2013-2020). The first project covers the period 2014-2015 and involves the implementation of the Blackboard learning management system, which is to be introduced throughout AU. CUDiM is responsible for developing the competences needed to achieve this. The project will focus not only on basic features of Blackboard, but also on quality development based on how digital media can be used to support student learning processes as effectively as possible.

The strategy in brief

The strategy has three areas of focus (extracts):

  1. Forms of teaching and learning
    Teachers must systematically and continuously acquire (new) academic digital competences so they can exploit the learning potentials of new digital media, tools and resources.
  2. Students and interaction between teachers and students
    Students must be given the chance to acquire (new) academic digital competences that are relevant for the labour market, thereby equipping them to exploit the learning potentials of digital media, tools and resources. As far as possible, this must be done by working with the subject in question. 
  3. Internationalisation
    EDU-IT must help to open the degree programmes conducted by the Faculty of Arts to the world around us, thereby helping to attract the best (national and international) students and contributing to our dialogue with the rest of the world (including employers) regarding these degree programmes.

For more information

For further information:

Please contact Arne Kjær, director of Centre of Teaching Development and Digital Media