Implementation schedule for new mail and calendar system to be updated regularly

The schedule will be regularly updated at The final plan will be posted just before the Easter holiday.

You will be informed by email well in advance of any changes, both in relation to your new email address (all staff) and the transition to Outlook (FirstClass users). Remember to read the email thoroughly so you'll be prepared for the process.

AU IT is testing the process at the moment by running the implementation of the new mail and calendar system for IT staff members as a pilot project. Plenty of time is being allocated to the pilot project  to make sure the implementation process is thoroughly tested before being rolled out. However, this is not expected to delay the process unduly: all AU staff members  should start using Outlook during the first six months of 2012.

  • Find out when you can attend a workshop on Outlook: Events in Danish, Events in English
  • Read the preliminary implementation schedule
  • Find special information for FirstClass users