Meet Nobel Laureate Bruce A. Beutler

At the end of September, there will be a great opportunity to meet Nobel Laureate Bruce A. Beutler when he visits Aarhus University. Everyone with an interest in world-class health- and natural science research is welcome to Health’s virtual Nobel Laureate Talk.

In 2011, Bruce A. Beutler received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research discoveries, which have contributed to our understanding of how the innate immune system is activated.

On Wednesday 29 September 2021 between 15:30-17:00, Bruce A. Beutler will pay a virtual visit to Health, and under the heading 'Random creation and mitigation of disease', he will talk about his research and the paths – and dead ends – that led to the Nobel Prize. He will also be taking questions after the presentation.

Sign up for a Nobel Laureate talk with Bruce A. Beutler – the deadline for registration is 27 September.

From experiments on mice to the Nobel Prize

Medical doctor, immunologist and geneticist Bruce A. Beutler conducts research into the innate immune system, and his research into how receptors detect foreign microorganisms and activate the innate immune system earned him the Nobel Prize.

In 1998, by studying mice with mutations, Bruce A. Beutler found a gene which is active in the development of a receptor which binds lipopolysaccharide, a substance produced by several pathogenic bacteria. This gene does the same in humans.

In the presentation, Bruce A. Beutler talks about his academic career and the challenges and breakthroughs he has experienced, as well as delving into his biomedical research and some of the technologies involved, including AMM – Automated Meiotic Mapping.

AMM has made it possible to localise the disease-associated genes and identify mutations in phenotypes in mice. Bruce A. Beutler has used AMM to identify new diseases and to suppress already known diseases.

Attention all ambitious researchers

Bruce A. Beutler's presentation is the second in the series of academic lectures under the Nobel Laureate Talk theme, which Health and the PhD Association at Health co-organise. The talk is particularly aimed at ambitious early career researchers, but everyone with an interest in health- and natural science research of the very highest calibre is welcome.

With the Nobel Laureate Talk lecture series, Health focuses specifically on the groundbreaking health science research that leads to a Nobel Prize. It is a unique opportunity for the university's researchers to soak up knowledge and inspiration from Nobel Laureates who readily share their knowledge and experience from a long and impressive research career.

See the programme for Health's Nobel Laureate Talk with Bruce A. Beutler on 29 September 2021, 15:30 – 17:00 in Health’s calendar and register for the event directly via Conference Manager.

About Nobel Laureate Bruce A. Beutler

  • Born on 29 December 1957 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Chicago in 1981.
  • Professor and Director of Centre for the Genetics of Host Defense at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, as well as Professor and Chairman at the Department of Genetics at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California.
  • Received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2011 together with Jules A. Hoffmann. Recognised in particular for his discovery of how the innate immune system is activated.



Adviser Caroline S. Bendixen
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre – Dean’s Office
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8078