Union Representatives at Aarhus BSS

Dept. of Business Development and Technology

The Dean's Office

Dept. of Management

Dept. of Political Science

Dept. of Economics and Business Economics

Dept. of Law

Dept. of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences

Dept. of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (Centre for Alchohol and Drug Research)

The National Centre for Register-based Research

HK-kontor, Aarhus BSS 

  • Union representative for TAP, HK-Kontor at departments and Dean's Office: 
    Mette Tøndermt@law.au.dk   
    Phone: 8716 6159
  • Union representative for TAP, HK-kontor at Aarhus BSS administration center:
    Tina Lindhardt, tln@au.dk 
    Phone: 8715 2386 

Kommunikation og Sprog (KS), Aarhus BSS

  • Union representative for TAP Kommunikation og Sprog (KS) at departments:
    Tinna Meyer, tme@law.au.dk  
    Phone: 8716 4932



Joint Union Representative AC, Aarhus BSS

Joint Union Representative HK, Aarhus BSS

Joint Union Representative for AC and TAP, AU

Joint Union Representative for AC 
Joint Union Representative for TAP  

3F offentlig rengøring 

Service (cleaners)

EL/Metal (craftsmen)