Find information about Aarhus BSS’ guidelines for employing academic staff (VIP) and for enrolling and employing PhD students at Aarhus BSS’ Graduate School.
In connection with the implementation of the national URIS guidelines at Aarhus University, background screenings are conducted in connection with the recruitment of and visits from candidates from risk countries defined by the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) - see which countries are included. A background screening must be completed before the candidate can be invited for an interview and offered a position at AU. The background screening involves the hiring manager filling out a form regarding (among other things) the research area, while the administrative unit Background Screening Office (BSO) conducts a search based on publicly available sources. The department head, in consultation with the dean (or a delegated authority), must assess the security risk and either approve or reject the candidate. See the BSO website for more information.