Work environment: AU needs committed representatives
Now is the moment for you to reach out to your local occupational health and safety group if you would like to become an occupational health and safety representative for your unit in the period 2024-2027.
Just as the university elections have drawn to a close, you now have a chance to make a difference in another election. Every three years, employees get to choose representatives who contribute to promoting a good working environment at Aarhus University — and now is your chance to stand for election. The elections often result in a more or less equal split between staff who are reelected and who continue in their role as local representative and new members who are taking on the job for the first time.
As an occupational health and safety representative, you contribute to developing and promoting a good work environment in your unit in collaboration with your local management. Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, chair of the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMU), acknowledges the value of the contribution the occupational health and safety organisation makes to safeguarding and developing the quality of the work environment at AU, and he encourages more staff to get involved:
“We must not take the high quality of our work environment at AU for granted. It’s the result of continuous focused effort and an effective occupational health and safety organisation that takes responsibility – every single day – for the well-being of all 11,000 of us employees here at the university. But the occupational health and safety organisation at AU is not a closed circuit — it needs a continuous supply of committed representatives, especially when it comes to filling seats on the local committees. So I’d like to encourage anyone with an interest in working with the work environment to stand for election in the upcoming period.”
You can register your candidacy for the occupational health and safety committee in the period 27 November - 7 December.
Read more about what’s involved in the role
Who can stand for election?
- You must have worked at AU for at least nine months to be eligible as a candidate.
- Representatives will be elected to three-year terms starting on 1 March 2024.
- If there are fewer seats than candidates, elections will be held to select the representative.
You can find more information about the occupational health and safety organisation organisation at AU and the election on the election website. Read about: