AMG handles the daily occupational health and safety tasks in the department/school/unit. The employer is always formally responsible for the work environment, but the local management representative is responsible for ensuring that the occupational health and safety tasks are performed. AMG can create the best results when it enjoys the support of colleagues, and when all the employees work together to strengthen the work environment. AMG must communicate its results and handle any occupational health and safety problems at the workplace on an ongoing basis. All departments/schools, centres and administrative units at AU have one or more occupational health and safety groups. The number and composition of the occupational health and safety groups is defined by the head of department/head of school/head of centre/deputy director after discussions in the Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee (LAMU).
An occupational health and safety group generally consists of an elected occupational health and safety representative and a manager appointed by the head of department/head of school/head of centre/deputy director. There may be several occupational health and safety representatives in a group if this is assessed to be practical locally.
If the management representative (AL) and the occupational health and safety representative (AMR) are not present at the same time, the person who is present handles the occupational health and safety group’s tasks. The person who has been absent, must be informed as soon as possible of any events/incidents which have happened during the absence.
In general, AMG must perform the tasks which are defined in guideline F 3.3-1 from Danish Working Environment Authority safety’ (AT-vejledning F.3.3-1 om Samarbejde om arbejdsmiljø i virksomheder med mindst 35 ansatte).
All employees must know who the members of the occupational health and safety group are, and how the group can be contacted in the event of an occupational health and safety problem.
The occupational health and safety group can, for example, use staff meetings to inform, maintain and strengthen its contact with colleagues.
The occupational health and safety group is an important role model and culture bearer in the efforts to ensure a good work environment in the unit. Among other things, the group can help focus on the occupational health and safety consequences of any changes introduced in the unit. The occupational health and safety group’s focus on whether the workplace is harmonious, and thriving can help to make life easier for colleagues, thereby ensuring that everyone can focus on the core task.