Rules for the Election Committee

1. Legal basis

1.-(1) The Election Committee conducts its activities in accordance with the rules on elections at Aarhus University in force at any given time, the University Act and Aarhus University's by-laws.

2. The tasks of the Election Committee

2.-(1) The Election Committee is responsible for assisting the rector in the organisation and performance of the elections which must be held under the University Act and the by-laws of Aarhus University.

Subsection (2) The chair of the Election Committee is responsible for establishing the rules and regulations on election procedures and deadlines on the authority of the rector and after discussion in the committee.

3. The composition of the Election Committee

3.-(1) The Election Committee consists of a total of 16 members. The Election Committee consists of one representative from the academic staff and one representative of the technical/administrative staff of each faculty, as well as five representatives of the students and a representative of the PhD students.

Subsection (2) The Election Committee nominates a chair from among the representatives of the academic staff on the committee, and this candidate is approved by the rector.

Subsection (3) The Election Committee can invite non-members to participate, to a specified extent, as observers at the meetings of the committee. 

Subsection (4) Observers shall have a right to speak, but shall not have voting rights.

4.-(1) The student members of the Election Committee and the PhD student member are elected to one-year terms. The other members of the Election Committee are elected to four-year terms.

Subsection (2) Academic staff representatives from Arts and Health as well as technical/administrative staff representatives from Nat, Tech and BSS will hold office during the period 1 February 2022 through 30 January 2026. Subsequently representatives will be nominated by the dean and appointed by the rector to four-year terms.

Subsection (3) Academic staff representatives from Nat, Tech and BSS, as well as technical/administrative staff representatives from Arts and Health, will hold office during the period 1 February 2024 through 30 January 2028. Subsequently representatives will be nominated by the dean and appointed by the rector to four-year terms.

Subsection (4)  At the first meeting after newly elected members have taken office, the chair provides an introduction to the committee's work and the committee's meeting schedule is agreed.

4. The office of chair

5.-(1) The chair prepares the agenda for the meetings of the committee.

Subsection (2) The chair is empowered to take urgent decisions.

5. Chairing meetings

6.-(1) The meetings are chaired by the chair. If the chair isunable to attend, the secretary is responsible for the cancellation of the meeting and the scheduling of a new meeting.

Subsection (2) The chair of the meeting is responsible for ensuring compliance with the agenda, that all viewpoints are presented and that the items on the agenda are concluded.

6. Convening meetings

7.-(1) The chair convenes meetings of the Election Committee.

Subsection (2) If at least three members of the committee so wish, the chair must call a meeting.

7. The agenda and meeting invitations

Section 8.-(1) Meeting invitations are sent at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting.

Subsection (2) All members of the Election Committee receive an agenda no later than seven working days before the meeting. The agenda items must be described in such detail that the members have optimal opportunities to prepare.

Subsection (3) Under exceptional circumstances, the chair may schedule meeting at shorter notice.

Subsection (4) The agenda is published on relevant electronic forums at the same time as it is sent out.

Subsection (5) The agenda receives final approved at the meeting of the Election Committee.

8. Voting rules

9.-(1) Cases are decided by a simple majority of the members present.

Subsection (2) In the event of equality of vote, the chair has the casting vote.

Subsection (3) The Election Committee constitutes a quorum when at least half of the members of the committee are present.

Subsection (4) Approval of election circulars may take place by email.

9. Minutes

10.-(1) The Election Secretariat provides administrative support to the committee.

Subsection (2) The Election Secretariat prepares the minutes of the meetings and sends them to members as quickly as possible, under normal circumstances no later than seven days after the meeting has been held. All members are entitled to have a minority viewpoint recorded in the minutes.

Subsection (3) The members send any comments on the minutes within seven days.

Subsection (4) When any corrections to the minutes, in agreement with the chair, have been added, they are sent to the members for written approval.

Subsection (5) Once the minutes have been approved by the members, they are published soon as possible on the relevant electronic forums.

10. Confidentiality

11.-(1) The members of the Election Committee have a duty of confidentiality that follows from the rules of the Danish Public Administration Act, for example when information is classified, either by or some other relevant provision, as confidential, or when it is otherwise necessary to maintain confidentiality in order to safeguard the interests of the institution or private individuals.

11. Entry into force, changes and termination

12.-(1) The rules of procedure enter into force immediately after the rector has approved them.

Subsection (2) Proposed amendments to individual sections must be submitted to the Election Committee at least fourteen days before the meeting at which the amendment is to be discussed.

Subsection (3) The Election Committee reviews the rules of procedure once a year at its spring meeting and adopts any amendments at that meeting.

Subsection (4) These rules of procedure shall replace previously approved rules of procedure.