Academic writing workshop

Do you need to improve your academic writing skills in English? Then sign up for the workshop, open to all faculty members at the Faculty of Arts.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 16. januar 2013,  kl. 12:30 - 16:00


Center for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Paluda Müllers Vej 48, room 139


Stacey Cozart, senior consultant, Language Services, Faculty of Arts

The workshop will focus on qualities of good academic writing, including sentence clarity, sentence variety and cohesion, as well as on revising and proofreading strategies and some common grammar and usage errors. The workshop will include instructor presentations, guided discussions, practical exercises, and instructor and peer-to-peer feedback on participants’ own writing projects.


Prior to the start of the workshop, participants will be expected to submit a 4-5-page research article in progress. For homework, participants will be asked to prepare constructive feedback on their peers’ research writing, revise and develop their own piece of research writing based on peer and teacher feedback, and complete a few short assignments on the topics covered in the workshop.

In addition, they will be invited to read selected articles on academic writing in English.


The workshop is free and open to all faculty members at the Faculty of Arts (not including PhD students).


Dates and Times

From 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. on 16 & 30 January, 20 February, and 6 & 20 March 2012

Registration deadline

2 January

Deadline for submission of article in progress

7 January