How to apply for an ERC Starting -, Consolidator - or Advanced Grant

The seminar is meant for researchers who wish to realise a ground-breaking research idea through a grant from the ERC. The course targets the following ERC grant schemes: Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, and Advanced Grant. The seminar will focus on ERC proposal writing and provide advice and inspiration for writ-ing a grant proposal.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 2. maj 2017,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


Preben Hornung Stuen, Stakladen, Fredrik Nielsens Vej

Registration: The Dean’s Office, Lotte Holm ( no later than 26 April 2017 


13.00              Welcome – presentation of programme and participants


/ Anne Marie Pahuus, vice-dean for research / Aarhus University

13.00-14.00 Introduction to ERC

/ Line Fredslund Volkers / Scientific Officer / the European Research Agency (TBC)

  • What it takes to get a grant
  • How to understand “ground-breaking research”, “high risk/high gain”, and “impact” in an ERC-context
  • What can make your proposal stand out?
14.00-14.30 An evaluator’s experiences


/ Professor Helle Vandkilde / Department of Archaeology / Aarhus University


Coffee break

14.45-15.45 Sharing the experience of an ERC Starting Grant “How I got my ERC grant”


/ Monica Brinzei / CNRS / France

Monica Brinzei, researcher at IRHT (Institut de recherches et d'histoire des textes) from CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Paris. She was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2012: Theology, Education, Scholastic Institution and Scholars-network: dialogues between the University of Paris and the new Universities from Central and Eastern Europe during the Late Middle Ages. The THESIS project proposes a pioneering study of a coherent corpus of medieval manuscripts consisting of all the commentaries on the Sentences composed in Paris and in the new universities from Central Europe between 1350-1450. A Sentences commentary is a core component of the medieval academic curriculum, a collection of theses that scholars had to defend in the universities in order to obtain the title of master or doctor of theology; it is actually the unique equivalent of our modern PhD thesis.

15.45-16.00 Support from Aarhus University


/ Anne Marie Zwergius, Martin Serritslev Riis / Research Support Office / Aarhus University

- AU workshops and support set-up