Planning to apply for a postdoc grant from FKK or FSE in August?

9 and 16 August. Evaluation criteria, methodical approach and the structure of a successful postdoc grant proposal - two information meetings in Aarhus about applications to The Danish Council for Independent Research.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


onsdag 8. august 2012, kl. 20:00 - torsdag 16. august 2012, kl. 00:00


Meeting room 2.3 (second floor), Fredrik Nielsensvej 4, Building 1421, 8000 Aarhus C (both meetings)

The Research Support Office at Aarhus University hosts these two information meetings about postdoc applications to The Danish Council for Independent Research.

The purpose of the meetings is to give you a more solid understanding of evaluation
criteria, methodical approach and the structure of a successful proposal.

Program for Humanities (FKK)-meeting, August 9, 10:00-12:00

  1. Welcome
  2. Meet a member of the council and hear about the importance of research question, scientific method and theory: Anne Line Dalsgård, Dept. of Culture and Society, AU, and member of FKK-council
  3. The successful application – A word of advice and potential pitfalls
  4. How do we help at Research Support Office

Program for Social Science (FSE)-meeting, August 16, 13:00-15:00

  1. Welcome
  2. Meet a member of the council and hear about the importance of research question, scientific method and theory: Peter Munk Christiansen, Dept. of Political Science, AU, and chairman of FSE-council
  3. The successful application – A word of advice and potential pitfalls
  4. How do we help at Research Support Office


Please indicate which meeting you will be attending by sending an email to no later than Monday, 6 August.

PS. You don’t have to wait until August
If you want assistance from the Research Support Office for your application right now, don’t hesitate to contact us. The sooner, the better.

  • Jesper Skytt Hvid, tel 7846 1572, email
  • Anne Marie Zwergius, tel 2845 5016, email
  • Jakob Feldtfos Christensen, tel 2037 4765, email
  • Astrid Cermack (mainly Dept. of Education), tel 8715 1881, email