Seminar: Annotering og visualisering af digitale data inden for humaniora

Digital Arts Initiative, et samarbejde på tværs af institutterne på Arts, afholder d. 10. december et arrangement for medarbejdere og studerende om digital annotering og visualisering i samarbejde med Statsbiblioteket og Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation.

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Torsdag 10. december 2015,  kl. 09:00 - 16:00


Statsbiblioteket, Victor Albecksvej 1, mødelokale 0, Aarhus

Annotation and Visualization of Digital Data in the Humanities: 

Today we generate more data in a couple of days than the entire human race has done from the dawn of its existence to the beginning of the 21st century. The information potential in all these data is enormous but we often lack adequate tools and methods to utilize it.

Developments in broad research fields such as knowledge discovery in databases (‘big data’) offer a range of data-driven solutions, which leak into the humanities and arts through its various digitally oriented disciplines (e.g., digital humanities, humanities computing, and information science). A common experience is, however, that humanities researchers lack an interdisciplinary forum for exchanging our experience with and knowledge of such digital tools and methods. In this seminar we will remedy that by presenting current developments in three related areas: 

  • data management
  • digital annotation
  • visualization.

With the massive increase in digital data and arrival of large-scale data infrastructures, an understanding of our data lifecycle and related data management solutions is essential. Independently of the data type and format, researchers and students alike need to add metadata (comments, explanations, or context) to their digital data, which is why digital annotation is imperative to data-driven practices. And without data visualization it would be impossible to get a handle on the subtleties and complexities in digital data.

Taken together we believe these three areas (data management, digital annotation and visualization) constitute core competencies of digital scholarship. 


  • Bjarne Andersen, Aarhus State and University Library
  • Henrik Pedersen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA), Mathematics, University of Southern Denmark
  • Mirjam Blume & Stefan Schmunk, Göttingen State and University Library
  • Theis Vallø Madsen, School of Communication and Culture, Art History, Aarhus University
  • Anja Bechmann, School of Communication and Culture, Media Studies, Aarhus University
  • Matteo Pilati, School of Culture and Society, Prehistoric Archaeology, Aarhus University
  • Kristoffer L. Nielbo, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University
  • Niels Brügger & Ditte Lauersen, School of Communication and Culture, Media Studies, Aarhus University & Aarhus State and University Library.

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