The Varieties of God in the Hebrew

Lecture by Adjunct Professor Beverly P. Mortensen, Northwestern University, Ill., USA followed by UIC dinner.

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Onsdag 9. maj 2012,  kl. 15:00 - 17:00


Conference Room 1 at the International Centre, DTM Building 1650, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4.

If we understand that we each know the God we are ready for, that we craft that god to fit our present awareness, then we see different gods.....but call them God.  Deepak Chopra has researched this idea in the world's religions and found that there is a pattern to the order of gods every person knows.  He has boiled this down to seven levels of knowing God.  I use this scheme to look at the Hebrew Bible: the view of its authors, their idea of their readers' views of God, the possible gods we the reader can find.  The answers are endless but the questions are fascinating.


Questions are welcome. Time for networking – e.g. to get to meet one another again or for the first time. The experience is: it is inspiring to be where the world gets together. Refreshments.

 For acces take entrance to Dale’s Café. Inside walk to the right and downstairs – and find us.

UIC Dinner Club
Welcome to join the UIC Dinner Club e.g. all interested in an enjoyable international party, which takes place right after the talk. No membership is requiredl, if not at the talk, meet us at the AU Math Canteen.

The dinner – a buffet - takes place at the AU Math Canteen, Ny Munkegade, Building 1530, 8000 Aarhus C. Sign up directly on website, in Danish only. If needed call tel  8613 3886 or write , e-mail - More details on  – You can drop by just to talk!


Look forward to welcoming you Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm!



Note: All AU staff and their spouses and all related to the International Community are invited!