How to use printing

On this page, you can find a guide for FollowME printing. With FollowME printing, you can send a document to print and retrieve it from any FollowME printer by logging in there.

If you don't have FollowME printing

If you don't have FollowME printing, you can use the guides for printer installation, secure printing, and scan to email provided below

FollowME print - Mac and Windows

On Aarhus University FollowME print will be gradually introduced beginning in 2023.

Do I have FollowME in my area?

Yes, if you're met by a login screen on your local MFP (Multifunction printer) it is because the MFP is setup to use the AU FollowMe print solution.

FollowME on AU

On AU, for employee FollowME print, we use a Hybrid Cloud Print FollowME solution from Y-soft, named HCP Ysoft cloud print, but going by the name HCP Follow-ME.

Print to FollowME by printing to the HCP FollowME print queue on you Windows or Mac PC.
You can also have HCP FollowMe setup on your Linux PC. Please contact you local IT support for details.


The print queue should be available on your PC, provided you're in an area where HCP FollowME has been introduced.

If you do not have the HCP FollowME print queue, and provided you're in an area where HCP FollowME has been introduced, please contact your local IT support.

Print release at the MFP

After you print to the FollowME queue, the print can be collected at the nearest FollowME multifunction printer (MFP).

Card registration

First time you login to a FollowME multifunction printer (MFP) your card needs to be registered in the system.
You do that your self on the MFP.
Please also see details on the posters hanging by the MFP.

1. Scan your card and enter your AU user ID (AUxxxxx) and password. Your card is now registered for future use.

2. Release your print by pressing the "pull print" icon.

On the Ricoh MFPs it looks like this >>

3. Select any/all jobs and press Print.


4. Log out after releasing your print

Scan to mail and copying can also be performed directly after login.