On this page, you can find an overview of data storage solutions which may be useful when processing or handling data, and when archiving data in final form.
Data storage - processing data
Network drive (U drive)
Use: A personal drive where employees can store files and documents. The drive cannot be shared with other parties. Attention! For a large number of users we have allready moved their personal files from U drive to OneDrive. Correspondingly with this the U drive will be closed down.
Use: A shared drive enables employees and students to store and share files and documents with each other. When a shared drive has been created, users will only be able to view and have access to the folders to which they have rights.
Security and security requirements: Very secure way to save and store shared data, which only parties with viewer rights can access. Rights are assigned by the owner of the shared drive. The owner/user is not subject to any other special security requirements, since security is built into the system. If you are not logged onto AU’s network, you can only access your personal drive using VPN and two-factor authentication.
Logging: You can order ‘logging’ of a shared folder, if you are required to be able to document who has accessed/edited files and documents.
Back-up/back-up copies of data: Takes place automatically.
Use: AU-wide system storing and sharing research data that don't contain personal data or for other reasons require extra protection, e.g. due to IP or strategic concerns. In other words, you MUST NOT store your research data in ERDA if:
They contain personal data
When you know for certain that your research results will be patented (IP-data)
They contain confidential information or IP-covered material from a third party
They are of strategic importance, e.g. because sharing can pose a threat (URIS-data)
They form part of research subject to export control
They must, for any other reason, be protected from unauthorised access
Suitable for these types of data: research data, that can be open
Backup/backup copies of data: replication takes place automatically, backup will be available for purchase in the future
Use: AU-wide system for storing research data that contain personal data or for other reasons require extra protection, e.g. due to IP or strategic concerns. Access to SIF must only happen after completion of the locally managed user course. Contact your local coordinator via the SIF guidance portal. In other words, you can store your research data in SIF if:
They contain personal data
When you know for certain that your research results will be patented (IP-data)
They contain confidential information or IP-covered material from a third party
They are of strategic importance, e.g. because sharing can pose a threat (URIS-data)
They form part of research subject to export control
They must, for any other reason, be protected from unauthorised access
Suitable for these types of data: research data that contain personal data or for other reasons require extra protection
Backup/backup copies of data: replication and backup take place automatically
Use: SharePoint is a collaboration platform that can be used for knowledge sharing and document management. You can, for example, create pages and directories, and have a site for file storage, blogs, discussion forums, etc. When a SharePoint site has been created, users will only have access to view the document directories to which they have rights. This is a web-based solution in which files and documents are available online, which makes sharing, storage and availability very user-friendly. SharePoint contains a large number of templates that you can use to create sub-sites which can be used by a specific unit or project group.
Security and security requirements:A very secure way to store shared data, since only persons who have been granted rights will have access.
The owner of a SharePoint site assigns rights to the persons who are to have access. There are no other special security requirements for the owner/user, since security is built into the system. Both AU employees and external collaboration partners can use SharePoint – although this requires a data processing agreement or non-disclosure agreement to be drawn up, in order to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Two-factor authentication must be used to access SharePoint, if you are not on the AU network.
Back-up/back-up copies of data: Takes place automatically. All documents/files are versioned and the last 500 versions are saved as a back-up. Deleted documents are saved automatically for 90 days.
Security and security requirements:The PC/Mac must be issued by AU and must thereby fulfil the conditions in relation to operating system, patching, antivirus and encryption. Any AU data temporarily stored locally on your PC/Mac must always be encrypted. Find information about encryption. The local hard drive may not be set up to be shared on AU’s network.
Back-up/back-up copies of data: You are responsible for this.
Ordering: Does not have to be ordered, since the drive is on the PC or Mac issued to you.
Security and security requirements: This must be an external hard drive recommended and approved by AU. Any AU data stored on the device must always be encrypted. Find information about encryption.
Back-up/back-up copies of data: You are responsible for this.
Security and security requirements: This must be a USB flash drive/memory stick recommended and approved by AU. Any AU data stored on the device must always be encrypted. Find information about encryption.
Back-up/back-up copies of data: You are responsible for this.