You have the opportunity to influence programmes in the “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness” pillar. Have your say by providing input for the forthcoming two- to three-year work programmes.
AU contributes to formulating the Danish priorities which are prepared by national reference groups under the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The Danish priorities are included in the negotiations which take place in the European Commission’s programme committees in connection with the development of the two- to three-year work programmes.Read AU’s policy statement here.
Read more about the reference groups and programme committees and get an overview of the representatives in these groups here.
In the drop-down menu, you can see who represents AU in the national reference groups and the commission’s programme committees.
If you are employed at AU, you have the chance to receive early drafts of the forthcoming work programmes and the opportunity to put forward proposals for the programmes’ content. For more information on this, please contact a member of the strategy team in the Research Support Office at AU.
AU Expert group members:
Karen Matthisson, The Research Funding Office
Vivi Schlünssen, Institut for Folkesundhed - Miljø, Arbejde og Sundhed
Marie Louise Tørring , Forskningsprogramleder, IKS
Per Brøndsted Höllsberg, Prodekan for forskning, Health
Lars Dyrskjøt Andersen Task Force for Cancer Missionen
Leif Østergaard, Klinisk Medicin - indstillet af DFF
Representatives of the EU commissions program committee
AU contaktperson:
Svend Binnerup, The Research Support Office
Representatives of the national reference group:
No national reference group established
Representatives of the EU commissions program committee:
Helena Skyt Nielsen, BSS dekanat
See all representives of the referencegroup and program comitee here
AU contactperson:
Svend Binnerup, , The Research Support Office
Representatives of the national reference group:
No national reference group established
Representatives of the EU commissions program committee:
No representives from AU
AU contact person:
Svend Binnerup,The Research Support Office
AU Expert group members:
Panagiotis Karras, Institut for Datalogi
Peter Gorm Larsen, Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi
Cathrine Hasse, DPU - Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse
Martin Møller – Indstillet af Alexandra Instituttet
Representatives of the commissions advisory groups:
Peter Gorm Larsen, Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi.
AU contactperson:
Svend Binnerup, The Research Support Office
Representatives of the national reference group:
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Institut for Geoscience/Arctic Research Centre/iClimate
Marianne Zandersen, Institut for Miljøvidenskab/iClimate/WATEC
Representatives of the EU commissions program committee:
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Institut for Geoscience/Arctic Research Centre/iClimate
AU contact person:
Svend Binnerup, The Research Support Office
Representatives of the national reference group:
Christian Sonne, Institut for Ecoscience
Niels Halberg, DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Hans Sanderson, Institut for Miljøvidenskab
Anders Barfod, Institut for Biologi - indstillet af IPBES Danmark
Tenna Riis, Institut for Biologi - indstillet af DFF
Representatives of the EU commissions program committee:
Hans Sanderson, Institut for Miljøvidenskab.