Aarhus University gets a new phone number
All staff, units and functions in Aarhus will get new phone numbers on 28 November.

Locations outside Aarhus and at Trøjborg have already switched to a new joint telephone system – Campus Aarhus is the last area where staff are getting new numbers.
- As of 28 November, Aarhus University’s main number is: 8715 0000.
- All staff will be given either 8715 or 8716 as the first four digits of their phone number.
- Numbers for the units will be published as soon as possible at www.au.dk/en/telephony.
This is what happens
You will receive a personal e-mail with your new number approximately fourteen days before the transition. You can also expect to receive an e-mail with information about your new phone number in mid-November. In addition to your new phone number, the e-mail will contain information about what you should do and where you can get support if required.
The new phone numbers will be launched on Monday 28 November at 08.00.
According to the plan, all 6,500 numbers at Campus Aarhus will be transferred during one single weekend. Implementation will begin on Friday 25 November at 16.00, and the process should be complete by the following Monday morning at 08.00.
Should the transition to the new phone numbers take longer than expected, this will be announced at www.medarbejdere.au.dk/en on the morning of 28 November.
What to do yourself
You must personally make sure to inform your contacts about the change.
As soon as you receive your new phone number in mid-November, it can be a good idea to insert it in your e-mail signature. This will give you fourteen days to point out via your signature that you are getting a new phone number on 28 November.
See a checklist of the things to remember
If you only have a mobile phone
All members of staff will get an Aarhus University phone number. If you only have a mobile phone, your new phone number will be a ‘phantom number’ that is directly linked to your mobile number, which remains the same.
You can decide for yourself whether you want to announce both your new Aarhus University phone number and your old mobile number or whether you want to continue with just disclosing your mobile number.
Calls to old numbers
If someone tries to call your old number, the person will hear a message that Aarhus University has been given new numbers and be referred to the main local number. By referring to the main local number instead of automatically connecting the caller, we avoid people continuing to call the old numbers.
You can find guidelines and information about the reason for the joint telephone system and its advantages at www.au.dk/en/telephony.