Arts Newsletter - week 41

News from and about Arts

> The last pieces of the puzzle
Dean Thunø's column


> Conclusion of open consultation on departmental organisation
Twenty-three responses to the faculty management team's proposal regarding the organisation of departments at Arts have been submitted. The faculty management team will draw on these comments and suggestions of staff in the process of reaching a final decision on departmental structure. Read the responses here (in Danish).

Two responses have not yet been approved; these will be published on in the course of the week.



> Joint moving process secretariat for Arts and Business and Social Sciences
A secretariat has been established to coordinate the complex organisational relocation process at Arts and BSS. The process affects many administrative and academic staff members. All moves will be take place in colllaboration with the secretariat.


>New branding manual
The academic development process has led to the establishment of a number of new administrative and academic units and entities. In order to ensure consistency in both internal and external communication the senior management team has approved official names in Danish and English, abbreviations/acronyms and email addresses in addition to a number of new job titles. New principles for branding the university have also been developed.